Creek - ❤️‍🔥Grounded❤️‍🔥

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Requested By: fairyycum

Type Of Story: Fluffy Smut

Summary: Craig gets grounded for failing a test at school. Unable to resist, he sneaks over to Tweeks house in the middle of the night.

Word Count: 994

     [Craig's Pov]

     I pick up my phone that was placed next to me on the nightstand and turn it on the check the time. It read '11:37pm'

     I sigh and put my phone next to me as I adjust my body to be facing the window that was next to my bed.

      It was dark but I could see Tweeks house across from mine, which made me smile a little.

       His bedroom light was on, telling me that he was awake.

       I wasn't surprised though. He never really slept from his paranoia.

       I missed him already. Although it's only been a couple of days since I last saw him at school.

       My parents had grounded me for failing one of my math quizzes.

       I'm not really 'the best' when it comes to grades.
      Most of the time I would just end up falling asleep in class.

       Or get detention for flipping off a teacher.

       Today was Sunday. I was going to see Tweek at school tomorrow, but I just couldn't wait anymore.

       I wanted to see him now.

       I quickly stand up and slip on my shoes before quietly sneaking out of my house through the window.



[Tweek's Pov]

     I was sitting at my desk messing with the fidget spinner Craig had gotten me a long time ago.

       I would still use it everytime i got stressed. It calmed me down a little.

       The fidget spinner wasn't the thing that eased my anxiety though.

        It was the fact that Craig had gotten it for me that made me feel more at peace.

       Just as I was finally winding down, a loud knocking came from my bedroom window, causing me to jump and drop the fidget spinner.

       I quickly rush over and open it up when I saw Craig standing outside on my roof.

         He climbes in without invitation and makes himself comfortable on my bed. Shutting the window behind him.

        "C-craig?! W-what are y-you doing here?!" I ask him as I spazz out.

        Craig leans back against my wall while sitting on my bed. "I just missed you so much" he shurgs in his usual monotone voice.

        I just smile and roll my eyes a little.

         It wasn't unusual for Craig to do something out of nowhere Like this.

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