Stylenny - 🎲Game Night🎲

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Stan x Kyle x Kenny

Requested By: Cringeyp3rson & Ourlittlepony
(Thank you both for this request! It's my first Poly one, so I'm sorry if it's not very good lmao)

(Also, I'm sorry of its a little sloppy :,) I've been trying to get as much work in as possible but theirs alot going on, and I wrote most of this at like 2am sooo. I'm sorry if it looks a little lazy!)

Type Of Story: Smut/Lime/Lemon

Top: Kenny
Middle: Stan
Bottom: Kyle

Summary: Stan and Kyle have been dating for a while. They recently talked about adding another person into their relationships. They thought Kenny would be perfect, considering they both had a huge crush on him. They invite Kenny over for a 'game night' but the game gets a little steamy.

Word Count: 1994

[No ones Pov]

The doorbell rings. Kyle quickly jumps up off the couch and runs over to open the door.

"Hey dude!" Kyle smiles up at the McCormick boy.

"Hey!" Kenny muffles through his parka, before inviting himself into the home and taking off his orange jacket.

The tall blonde hands his jacket on the coat rack by the door, walking over to the couch and waving to Stan who was watching Terrance and Phillip on the TV.

"What's up Ken" Stan smiles, pausing his show with the remote.

Kyle quickly rushes over to the group and takes a seat on the floor, his legs folding into a criss cross position.

Kenny takes a seat across from the red head. Stan hopping off the couch to join them on the floor as well.

"I already have the whole night planned for us!" Kyle shouts enthusiastic, taking out a long peice of paper from his pocket.

Kenny laughs a bit at the long list in Kyle's hand before taking it away from him and crumbling it up into a ball, tossing it behind him.

"Hey! I stayed up all night making that list!" The firey red head shouts.

"I have a better idea" Kenny smirks, glancing at the two confused boys.

"Why don't we play a little game." Kenny suggests.

Kyle crosses his arms. "What? Like truth or dare? Were not 10 anymore Kenny"

Kenny chuckles a bit, "I was thinking more like, never have I ever but with a twist"

Stan raises an eyebrow at the blonde. "What's the twist?"

"Instead of drinking, if the question relates to you, you have to take off one peice of clothing" Kenny smirks.

Kyle rolls his eyes "Ha. Ha. Very funny ken. But, we're not gonna fall into your pervy little tric-"

"I'm in" Stan Inturupts.

"DUDE! SERIOUSLY?!" Kyle shouts at the Raven haired boy.

Stan shrugs at Kyle. "What? It sounds kinda fun"

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