Creek - 📞Sweet Talk📞

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Type Of Story: Fluff

Summary: Craig misses Tweek, so he decides to call him while he's at work.

Word Count: 714

[Tweek's Pov]

"H-hello, what would you like to o-order" I ask the customer in front of me.

I've always had social anxiety around people, so I hated going to work.

"One black coffee please, no creamer" the man tells me while handing out his money to pay.

I nod and take the money, putting it in the register and Turing around to use the coffee machine.

I place an mug under it and start it, when all of a sudden I feel my phone buzz I'm my pocket.

It startles me and causing me to jump a little, but I quickly take it put and look at the phone to see who it was.

It was Craig. Seeing his name made me smile a little.

I answer it and put the phone up to my ear, holding it up by my shoulder so I could use my hands to make the coffee.

"H-hello?" I ask.

"Hey honey, how's work?" Craig asks me in his usual monotone voice.

Although his voice sounded the same no matter the situation, I swear I could always hear a little bit of existent in his voice every time he was talking to me.

"I-it's ok.." I reply.

I ended up spilling the coffee all over the floor, making me jump again. "ACK! I-IM SORRY SIR. I-ILL MAKE YOU ANOTHER!" I quickly tell the customer in a panic.

I'm not very good at multitasking.

"C-craig, i-i have to go!" I shout into the phone while placing another mug into the coffee machine.

"But I want to talk to you" he whines.

I sigh, "I know, but I'm working right now" I remind him.

"Don't you get on your break soon?" He asks.

Craig had memorized my work schedule by now, just so he could talk to me while I was on my break.

"Y-yes but-" I get cut off by him, "great! Call me back when you do!" He shouts before hanging up the phone.

I twitch and roll my eyes.

I finish making the coffee for the costume and hand it to them. "H-have a good day sir"

"You too" the nice man tells me before heading out the door.

The small bell at the top of the door rings as he walks out.

I sigh and slip my apron over my head, hanging it up on the door behind me.

I sluggishly walk over to one of the dining room chairs and slouch down on it.

I pull out my phone and call craig, setting it down on the table in front of me and putting it on speaker.

He answers right away, not to my suprise.

"Hey honey!" He says with a hint of joy in his voice.

Hearing his voice made me smile a little. "Hey!"

"You on your break?" He asks me.

"Yeah" I smile a bit and rest my head on the table next to my phone.

"You sound tired" he tells me, there was a tint of concern in his voice.

I let out a long sigh and close my eyes. "I am"

"Well, how about you come over after work and we watch a movie together on my couch." He offers.

I jolt up and start nodding my head aggressively, forgetting the fact he couldn't see me throhgh the phone.

"That would be great!" I shout.

Me and Craig would often watch movies together while we cuddled, it was one of my favorite things.

"Ok!" He said excitedly.

"I'll pick you up from work at around 8. That ok?" He asks.

I smile, "yeah, that's perfect"

"Great! See you soon baby!"

I could almost hear the smile in his voice.

That's one of the things that made me feel special, he only ever sounded happy when he was talking to me.

I smile to myself a little. "See you!"

"I love you honey, bye!" He tells me.

"I love you too!" I smile before hanging up the phone and leaning back into the booth chair.

I smile to myself and stare up at the ceiling.

How did I get so lucky.

[Sorry this one's so short🥲, I'll make a longer one next time]

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