Chaper 11

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The king leaned in once more, his lips were cool against hers and it felt so right. So smooth, so perfect. Before she had a chance to pull him closer, he pulled away. "Ash, I-" He paused, unsure of what to say. This is what he had wanted since the moment he laid eyes on her, the unexplainable draw towards her. Just a few seconds ago he was ready to take her, all of her. Yet as their lips met an uneasiness washed over the king.

I wonder if she can survive underwater. A voice in the back of his head mocked. It wasn't his own voice. Do you really think you can take a queen who can't live with you underwater? They chuckled. I guess you could take her as a whore though. What's the word, hmm, concubine? I doubt she would even be able to bear your children.

Ash stared at Trollex, he had turned his back to her, holding his head in his hands, he was clearly upset. But what could've upset him like this? Oh god, am I that bad of a kisser? Sure, she didn't have a ton of experience, but she couldn't be that bad, right? The nearly tangible lust completely disappeared.

"Um, are you okay?" I guess kissing me made him realize he's not into humans. She frowned at the thought.

When he didn't answer, she glanced down at her hands in her lap. Wringing her hands nervously, she had to say something. She didn't want him to feel weird or guilty. "It's okay, we can still be friends."

"No." He turned his body back to her; he hadn't even realized her had turned away until her comment. The voice in his head continued to mock him. Just friends? I imagine that other troll will love to take her as his whore.

"No!" He snapped this time, Ash stared at him in shock. Why is he so angry? He doesn't even want to be friends.

Somehow the voice started to fill his head with images. Disgusting images. "I won't allow that to happen." He hissed as different things involving Ash and Hickory continuously ran through his head.

Ash's eyes widened, surely, he isn't saying he won't allow them to at least be friends. If he didn't feel the same fine, but that didn't make sense. "Trollex are you okay?" She whispered, placing her hand on his shoulder.

He looked so broken when he raised his head to meet her eyes. "I can't allow that to happen." He whispered, now speaking to Ash.

"Can't allow what to happen?"

Instead of speaking, the king pounced, pushing Ash down, he kissed her again. It was much more intense than the previous ones. As he deepened the kiss all thoughts completely left Ash's mind, instead of questioning him, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled the king closer. Much too soon his lips left hers, though before she could complain, he moved to her neck. "I need you." He whispered as he continued kissing her neck, "I refuse to accept anyone else; I only want you."

The words brought Ash back to reality. "Wait, stop." She pushed him enough to get him to stop, but he still leaned over her.

"You want me to stop?" He whispered, frowning.

Ash shook her head and pushed the king back into a sitting position and lifted herself up. "No. That's not it. I want to know what's wrong."

"Nothing's wrong."

"You just looked furious about something, said 'no' and then you yelled it. Then before kissing me, you said 'I can't allow that to happen' can't allow what to happen?"

Trollex sighed. "I'm sorry." He struggled to find the words to explain exactly what happened. I'm a king, I can't look weak in front of my future queen. Trollex squared his shoulders as the thought crossed his mind, the voice seemed to be trying to make him second guess his feelings, but it only solidified them. "I'll explain later, I'm sorry for upsetting you." The uneasiness in his voice was now completely gone, confidence replacing it. Before Ash could respond Trollex leaned in for another kiss. Then sighed as he looked around the cave. This isn't the place to admit to someone you're in love with them and want them to be your queen. That damned voice made him want to blurt everything out at this very moment. He had already been fighting himself about it being too soon to tell her about his feelings, aware that feeling so strongly for someone after a short amount of time isn't normal. Especially with them being two different species. 'I doubt she would even be able to bear you children.' He shook his head. I don't need children; I just need her.

Falling for a King   -    Trollex x Human OCWhere stories live. Discover now