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When it seems everything around you is falling apart or everything around is that there is to much noises.

You just want to scream to the of your lungs and scream as loud as you can and just curl up and ball your eyes because you miss someone so much and they're not there anymore.

You catch yourself trying to call that person and remember that you can't because they won't be there to answer the phone.

God I miss my momma so much.

I listen to song and it reminds me of her.

She was always there when I needed her the most to talk to someone and she would just listen to me.

She would be a friend and mother at the same time. She was a pretty cool person.

Always tried to drop everything and focus on me if I really needed someone.

Thank you mom for being the best mom you could be to me growing up.

Love you to the moon and back.

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