Chapter 3: Shopping in Diagon Alley

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A/N: Hello everyone! Here is chapter 3 where Harry and Princess Y/N finally meet each other for the very first time and go school shopping in Diagon Alley with Hagrid! This is when Harry will learn that the British Wizarding World has a royal family from Hagrid and meet other characters. I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think in the comments below! Please vote on it if you enjoy it! Again, I'm giving a shoutout to @AmazingAmber15  for helping me come up with ideas!

Y/N's POV:

It was the morning after I received my Hogwarts letter and my mother told me that someone from Hogwarts is going to be taking me and someone else around my age to Diagon Alley to get our school supplies so no one finds out that the British Wizarding World princess is going to Hogwarts for her first year. I have no idea who it is. I'm excited to get my school supplies and find out what my wand will look like. This is my outfit for today:

Everything I needed for Hogwarts was already packed

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Everything I needed for Hogwarts was already packed. Mother told me that she is willing to talk to Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts, about getting me my own private dorm for my safety but I told her that I would rather have roommates to talk to and make new friends like Father wanted me to. She agreed that Father's idea was better than hers and she wanted to make sure that I am always safe while studying at Hogwarts. While I was continuously reading my romance book, I looked up and saw a boy about my age with jet-black hair and green eyes and a tall half-giant standing in front of me. The half-giant whom I recognized to be Rubeus Hagrid, the gamekeeper and keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts. I met Hagrid once when I was younger but I hardly remember it. My mother had to show me pictures from when I met Hagrid for the very first time.

I said, "Ah, hello Hagrid! It's great to see you again! How is business at Hogwarts going?" Hagrid said, "Yer Highness, it's great to see yer too! Business is going great! Are you ready to go to Hogwarts for yer first year alongside my boy Harry?" I smiled and said, "Yes, I am! My mother will have my luggage delivered to the Hogwarts Express before it leaves for Hogwarts. She's been so worried about my safety since I am the princess and she wants me to remain safe at all times while I'm studying at Hogwarts." Hagrid said, "Oh yeah! I forgot yer mum is like that! Y/N, I want you to meet Harry Potter. Yer mum must have told you already about his childhood." I said, "Indeed she did!" I looked at Harry, held out my hand, and said, "It's so nice to finally meet you, Harry! I'm Y/N! You can call me Y/N/N if you like!"

Harry looked at me, shook my hand, and said, "It's so nice to meet you too, Y/N! I have a question for you that I'm curious to know the answer to." I said, "Go ahead! Ask me any questions you have." Harry said, "Alright. Why did I hear Hagrid call you your highness and why do you live in a palace?" I said, "So you never knew about the British Wizarding World and the royal family?" Harry shakes his head no. I said, "The reason Hagrid called me your highness is because I'm the princess of the British Wizarding World and I live in the palace because it is where I live as a member of the royal family. What other questions do you have for me?"

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