Reliving Wounds

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Aloha POV:

I've been going through life with no care and no worries. I had no responsibility & no relationships but that all changed after some time.
It's when I met Army that's when things went south for me.
He was strict in every way and demanded things to be arranged a certain time.

He was a different person than me but why was he constantly in my head.
Once I heard the news he suddenly left town, cod it felt like my chest just swelled up and exploded.

Why didn't he think to chase me down? Was he that in a rush to leave?
Did I really mean nothing to him..
It hurt. It hurt so bad. After that I took the opportunity to seek a new life or purpose but he still snuck into my head and bothered me every single day.

I managed to build a little business for myself and live a comfortable life and just when things got a little easier...
I hear the news from Skull that he was returning.
The thought of seeing him again after nine years was exciting so I dropped my duties and immediately rushed to where Army would be located.

I shouldn't have been so desperate to see him because I ended up bumping into him. As I slump over in his arms he supports me up and I begin to notice that he looks different.
Cod he grew taller even...
His looks changed but I didn't care;
it was actually him. He still wore that makeup..It relaxed me knowing he still has a small taste of his old self.

He exchanged more words then me.
I was still dumbfounded and couldn't really get the ball rolling but once I thought of something; of course his friends came charging up from behind. Cod no one has really seen me in a while, I've been inside more often then outside and partying.

So it's awkward to see people who knew my old self; I'm not what I use to be and I'm actually ashamed of that.
I take a few steps back hoping I could be ignored and slip away before they even talk too me.

But obviously I'm not the great zapfishes favorite. "Aloha!" Forge spoke out as everyone's eyes landed on me. I should have stayed home.
"Yeah. Hey.." I awkwardly wave. I've really lost myself and I hate that.
"Are you two okay?" She continued but Blue interrupts, "You guys collided pretty harshly." He mentioned but I really wish he didn't.

"I'm fine. Aloha are you?" Army turns around to wait for my answer.
What do I say? I wanna say so much to him but I can't; we weren't all that close before. I can't speak to him as if we're old friends...

We were teammates but our personality never got along. Which made us resent each other.

"...I'm alright~ I was just in a hurry to arrive somewhere." I force my smile and hope that's enough to break the ice. Forge stares at me with concerned eyes, cod I wish she would look away.

"I'm surprised to see you. Don't take this the wrong way but we didn't think you lived here anymore."

"Harsh! I do by the way. I've been busy that's all. Making money and all." It's true. My business has been growing each day which cramped me up inside. That's part of the reason why I haven't been seen as often as before.

"Right. Anyway, Army could we meet up later tonight? I just received a call that's very important and I need to leave to take care of it." Forge announced.

"That's fine. Let's all go our own ways for now and we'll catch up tonight." Army expressed to which his team agrees and dispersed. It's now us.

Okay just casually walk away like it's no one's business. "Aloha. You wanna go get a drink?" I pause with my back to him. Do I really wanna face him, don't get me wrong I'm happy to see him it's kills me to see him.

He left without saying goodbye—
who the fuck does that?

"Aloha?" I felt his hand on my shoulder which was warm to the touch. I can't be a child about this; I need to ask—
"Why did you leave." Shit. My voice wavered. Well I'm not facing him after that mess so I'll just walk away.

"Aloha..." I hear him mumble with a bit of shame to his voice. Crossing my arms I begin to angle myself his direction. "You know you really could have left a note or something but..fuck me right? We weren't friends but was I really not worth anything?"

He approaches close to my side and extends his hand. "Let me take you for a drink."

"Put that away and just answer me." I snapped and stand there impatiently. "I had to leave as soon as possible. You weren't anywhere that I knew about and it got to the point where my time was up so I left. I'm sorry I didn't think it would be a big deal."

"It was." It's best if I don't look him directly in the eyes because I think I might say something unkindly.

"...I'm sorry. I really am."

It sucks that he left unexpectedly. It sucks even more that I had to hear it from Mask of all people.
"Whatever. Say what you need to over that drink. You're paying."
I nudge his arm and we both walk to the nearest bar.


We never did touch the topic again...
"So you've been traveling? That's what you've been doing all this time." I sound astonished while dropping my glass on the table. "Yes. But I didn't do much sight seeing. My job took up my time." Watching Army take a sip of his drink I still can't believe how different everything seems.

"I know you're great at cooking but damn I never thought you'd travel. That sounds fun."

"Yeah it was. But I had to stop. I wanted to come back." His eyes landed on mine which startled me to turn away immediately. "So what will you be doing now that your back in town?"

"Find a hotel to stay at. My move was sudden so I didn't have time to prepare everything..."

"Stay with me then." I spoke with a bit of excitement. Should I even be offering this? He's been gone for years and last time we talked we were teens where he was strict as fuck. He could still be the same!

Instead of him jumping at the offer; he seemed distant about it.

"I shouldn't." He muttered as he placed his hand behind his neck. "It's no problem. I mean we already know each other—Besides my place will be better then some hotel." Why am I so persistent about this...

With a moment of hesitation he finally agrees, "...Alright. I won't intrude for long. I'll be sure to find a place."

"There's no deadline Army." My smile drops sooner then expected. I cover my mouth and turn my gaze away. He still owes me an explanation about that day. What happened? Is this even the right thing to do. Open my home to him?
As I focus my gaze back onto him, I see that he's thinking of something. Whenever he held that look, I swear each of my hearts throbbed with passion. He's incredible, but I can't think like this. Not anymore.


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