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World War II had an impudent effect on the public, the victims, and the grieving. The conflict was enough to send the country of Turkey into rubble and depression. With society at its lowest point, all they asked for was a distraction—entertainment.

News that flew that the Tatavla carnival, which worked before the war, has now been unbanned and will be in business soon enough to heal the negative energy spread through the entire country.

carnivals were the people's escape from the sad reality. 

      - 1962, Tatavla Carnival. 

The atmosphere surrounding the stage was filled with a distinct fragrance, reminiscent of the twins' initial day of practicing for their debut. The scent carried a strong sentimental value, evoking powerful emotions. As the crowd eagerly gathered to watch their performance, the twins prepared themselves for both the best and the worst, unsure of what to expect. They meticulously adjusted their selected attire for the show—a three-piece outfit in vibrant green, adorned with intricate metallic embroidery and embellishments that added a touch of flair and made their overall appearance even more eye-catching.

          "The much-anticipated moment has finally arrived with the return of the two youthful individuals, Kevin and Theo. It is a time that holds great significance as it would determine whether they were deserving of carrying the esteemed name of Laudislaus." Despite the modest beginnings, the audience gradually grew in size, with more and more people gathering to witness the occasion. The applause emanating from the crowd had grown loud enough to reach the backstage area. Amidst all the excitement, the twins' thoughts wandered, contemplating the challenges they had faced and overcome to reach this point.

The hardwork will truly pay off.

Theo and Kevin find themselves strolling down the walkway, which leads them to the stage, accompanied by a vibrant and captivating beat that has already started playing. They have a brief five-minute break before they showcase their choreography. The twins take their positions in the centre, standing next to each other, but their bodies face opposite directions. As the audience grows quieter, the pace of the music gradually slows down. Suddenly, a multitude of dazzling lights envelop the twins, creating an enchanting atmosphere. A quick yet triumphant song begins, filling the air with its anthem-like melody. The crowd eagerly anticipates the twins' performance as they begin to effortlessly move in perfect sync with the rhythm of the music.

"We'll play these cards like no one else can and reveal to you the wonders that are concealed from our view." The twins move their arms smoothly to position themselves for the pre-chorus as they converse in sync.

The twins face each other with intense emotions while singing their allotted words, as soon as the atmosphere shifts to one that is more suspenseful. The anticipation in the air is palpable as they open their mouths to deliver their lines with precision. Each word resonates with an intensity that captivates the audience. Their synchronised movements and powerful voices continue to amuse the audience.

As the duo continues to sing in two vocal pitches, their dancing becomes an integral part of their act. With every step, twist, and turn, their bodies seem to echo the emotions conveyed through their voices.
As the song progresses, the tone intensifies, and the twins' dancing grows more frantic. The once calm and composed atmosphere now becomes charged with an energy that is almost overwhelming and desperate. The twins' synchronised movements become faster and more intricate, mirroring the escalating emotions in the song.
Suddenly, the music pauses, and the stage falls silent. In this momentary silence, Theo and Kevin abruptly start to walk in different directions, breaking their synchronised dance routine.
Kevin moves with purpose towards stage left, his actions filled with determination and resolve. His expression reveals a mixture of defiance and longing. On the other side of the stage, Theo's steps take him towards the right, his movements more tentative, and his expression a mix of vulnerability and determination. The choreography reflects their inner battles, their desires, and their efforts to find their own paths.
Theo, in a sudden and unexpected manner, makes a peculiar hand gesture towards an unidentified point, then proceeds to close his eyes as if deep in thought or engaged in a brainstorming session. At the same moment, Kevin also turns around and mimics Theo's hand gestures, but adds an additional element by incorporating subtle finger movements. As they perform these actions, a mesmerising display of warm, vibrant colours begins to emerge, gradually taking shape and transforming into various natural forms. The audience witnesses the enchanting sight of beautiful butterflies fluttering around, their flight pattern orchestrated by the precise finger movements of Kevin.
It felt like a dream.
As the spectacle unfolds, the lights evolve further, morphing into visual representations of past entertainers who hold a significant place in the rich history of carnivals. This unparalleled spectacle is truly extraordinary, pushing the boundaries of what one would consider possible. The awestruck crowd is immediately moved to their feet, erupting into enthusiastic applause and cheers for the talented twins. Amidst the thunderous appreciation, Theo and Kevin remain focused, skillfully manipulating the dazzling spectrum of lights with unwavering precision and control.
The captivating show had almost reached its conclusion following a stunning grand finale. As the third performer, Laudislaus was reimagined to join the twins in their choreography. The ethereal light that emanated from Laudislaus' ghostly figure added an extra layer of enchantment to the performance. The spectre was synchronising with the duo, who continued to focus. This unexpected twist left the crowd astonished and filled with excitement. Although the spectacle lasted merely a minute, the twins had already managed to secure the admiration and support of the audience. The performance had finally come to an exhausting end with an ending fairy of the twins resting their heads on each other's shoulders while gasping for breath. The performance had required more energy and focus than the twins had thought, but the performance was good enough for the crowd to scream as much right now. They bow down to thank the crowd before standing steadily on the stage again.
The ringmaster of Tatavla eagerly took centre stage, radiating enthusiasm as he positioned himself squarely before the expectant crowd. The twin performers stood solidly by his side, their curious presence amplifying the anticipation that filled the air. A resounding chorus of the audience's voices enthusiastically chanted their names, a steady and rhythmic chant that reverberated through the atmosphere. The excitement grew tangible as multitudes of flowers, including daffodils and daisies, fell upon the stage.
"The twins from Aysun's Manor, Kevin and Theo, have successfully secured positions as entertainers, and their achievement was met with enthusiastic applause from the audience." The ringmaster proudly announced their success, prompting an eruption of cheers from the crowd. In that moment, a sense of joy and elation washed over Kevin and Theo as they exchanged glances filled with admiration and wonder.
Theo expressed his satisfaction by stating, "We have successfully accomplished it." In response, Kevin acknowledged their joint achievement.
"amigos! I kindly request that you find a comfortable spot in the lounge area. I understand that you must be feeling fatigued after such a remarkable performance." The ringmaster warmly welcomed them, guiding them towards the backstage area and then to the lounge. Upon arrival, they came across Aysun, who was present in the lounge area as well.
Aysun, who held the position of "master-ess" within the estate where they were raised, wore a stoic expression on her face. It was a rare occurrence for her to be genuinely impressed by anything or anyone, but on this occasion, something managed to soften the intensity of her gaze, even if it was only slightly. The twins look at her with surprise and excitement.
The twins received heartfelt congratulations on their successful debut. Their emotions were touched by the sincerity behind the words. As the ringmaster excused himself and departed, the twins bid farewell with a wave. Despite the rough appearance of their grandmother, they knew they would see her again soon. From behind the stage, the twins turned to gaze upon the source of their dreams finally being realised—a culmination of success and unwavering passion.
They lovingly embrace each other, entwining their arms around each other's shoulders, as they take in the breathtaking view of the vibrant carnival before them.
Theo, brimming with curiosity, posed a question to Kevin:
"Do you think we can reach the same level of mastery as Laudislaus?" Fervently determined, Theo held onto his proud smile, unwilling to let it fade away. Demir, in response, confidently remarked:
"Yes, as long as this passion is undying."
A smug smirk graced his face, as both individuals knew that this marked the beginning of an exciting new chapter. It would be a journey filled with intrigue, dilemma and the fruit of hard work.

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