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Lauren Jauregui

"What's so wrong with you today?" Normani scoffed looking at me, I frowned, "Did the past three years vanish from your memory? And what's with that One Direction thing too?"

"I swear to god, an hour ago I was a normal teenage fangirl who spent her whole day fangirling over a boyband with the four of you guys, on twitter." I sighed shaking my head while the four of them looked back and forth between one another.

"You might be in need for a therapist, right in this moment." Camila said placing her hand on my forehead, I rolled my eyes, "Her temperature is normal, guys, what would be so wrong, I mean she was a normal before going to sleep yesterday, you know."

"I'm still here, and I can hear you, you know that." I smirked, she shrugged her shoulder at me, "Maybe it's April's fool, but there's still a full week before April." Dinah said looking at me, while I decided to sit still and watch them making theories and scenarios.

"Yeah, she probably think we would fall for it since nobody would expect it to be a joke, nice try, Laur." Camila mocked, I stared at her amused with her theory.

"I think we've already spent to much time discussing this that now, we should all run to the tour bus and get ready." Ally intruppted, I frowned my eyebrows.

"Get ready for what?" I questioned, everybody looked at me like I just asked the most dumbest question on earth ever, I wonder why.

"To go to the rehearsals, of our tour, it's just a rehearsal to make sure that we know how to sing the songs together, and to memorise the songs lyrics too, because we're going to sing them tonight, and singing is what we do for living, you know." Camila said making gaps between each sentence, I nodded my head cautiously, but the thing is, none of them actually understands what the real problem is.

"What songs?"


"This must be a joke." Normani scoffed almost throwing her microphone, I looked at the ground ignoring her gaze, "How on earth is it possible that you all of a sudden don't know any lyrics for any song we've ever made?"

"Because, for the thousands time today, I'm telling you that this wasn't my life yesterday, this wasn't my life two hours ago." I scoffed back, "I mentioned it about a hundred time in the hotel, and in our ride to here, and you thought I was joking, but I'm not joking, I really am not joking."

"How are you expecting us to believe you, I mean tell us one reasonable reason to do so," She shrugged her shoulder, I shrugged back. "Because I'm telling the truth."

"Well, fiction can't be labeled as lies, but it can't be considered as truth either, Lauren." Ally said, "I'm not saying that we don't believe you, but we can't believe you."

"But what I'm saying is the full, you guys have to understand me, you've gotta believe me, I don't understand what I'm going through, just like you guys, I didn't make any of that up, and I don't understand anything from what's going on at all."

Zayn Malik

"So, who's Perrie again?" Joe questioned, frowning his eyebrow at me, "I feel like I've heard that name before, but try to remind me who she is maybe?" He said, I frowned, I suppose he's my bestfriend in this life so, if he doesn't know who Perrie is the, shit I'm screwed, oh god.

"You can't be serious." I frowned, he furrowed his eyebrows, "I suppose were bestfriends, right?" I questioned, he looked at me examining my face features, then shrugged his shoulders nodding, "So, if I happened to have a girlfriend or a fiancée, you'd know, right?"

"Yeah, definitely."

"Then how the fuck do you not know, who Perrie Edwards is." I scoffed, he looked at me for a moment.

"Perrie Edwards," He murmured, memorising the name, "Where have I heard that na- Oh! You mean Perrie the blonde member in that Little Mix band?"

"Little Mix exists?" I exclaimed surprised, he frowned his eyebrow, "Nevermind, anyways, so, Perrie and I never actually met right?"

"I suppose not really bu-"

"Cool, maybe we can start it from the beginning, at least this time fans won't say she's after me for fame." I murmured while Joe looked at me confused, till a Blonde suddenly intruppted.

"Are you high Zayn?" I chuckled shaking my head, at Florence, I know her name because Joe murmured his hello to her this morning, "Then, how possibly do you not remember having a fight with her boyfriend last week? Or the lad she's dating if that what you like to refer to him."

"I did what!" I gasped, she narrowed her eyes at me, Perrie now has a boyfriend, this must be a joke, now fucking way! "And who is that so called boyfriend?"

"Louis Tomlinson? That Doncaste-"

"Who?!" I screamed, this is a complete fucking joke, this is not fucking real, this is a goddammit fucking fuck.

"They're rumored to be dating, and you happened to be drunk the last time we were in Funky Buddah, and started babbling about how she's so hot and he doesn't deserve to be dating her, you babbled loud enough for him to hear from across three tables, long story short, the fading blue mark under your left eye isn't from nothing, after all." She smirked, I stayed silent gathering my thought together, "Wow, you were that drunk that you still don't remember since then, but maybe Liam cam give you more details tonight, and I have a class now, but, meet you guys after school, or in Funky Buddah tonight around seven, I have a half-day today so, see you guys tonight."

"And I have to, um, go too." Joe excused himself as well while I sat with my lips parted, I'm not capable of moving my feet or closing my wide opened mouth.

Louis, and Perrie? I mean, how? Under which condition did that happen? I mean, if she likes him now, here, doesn't that mean she liked him then? I don't understand anything. I refuse to believe this.


"Don't tell me you actually thought you have a chance with a girlband member in the second most powerful girl group in the world now, Zayn." Florence mocked.

"As a matter of fact, I do think that." I smirked nodding my head, she shot me a side look, turns out Florence and Joe are dating and I'm a third wheel, but that doesn't really bother me, at least now I know that I don't have a girlfriend in this life, which is as well bad but, I can win Perrie back. "Why would she not like me anyways?"

"No offence but, she's dating Louis Tomlinson? And he's got a life, and fame and money, and you on the other side, I won't say have got nothing but, compared to him," Joe trailed, I shot him a dirty look.

"And, well, in my opinion, she sort of the person to run after money and fame." Florence added.

"Not you too, c'mon, that's not Perrie, I know her and, she's not like that, at all." I shook my head in disagreement, I've lived with the real Perrie, I know what she's like, most people just, judge the book by it's cover.

"Oh my god, Joe! Look at his face, he looks like Safaa in that fangirl face look at it, I swear." She mocked, I rolled my eyes, "I mean Safaa doesn't fangirl over Perrie that much and she's your 12 years old sister."

"You'll see, one day I'll prove it." I said, she rolled her eyes in response while I sat silent, "Wait what did you mean by second most powerful group? Who comes first?"

"Don't tell me you don't know who's Fifth Harmony too?"

"Fifty what?"

[[Let the drama begin.]]

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