~the fight + the fall+

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-the third person-
You were face to face with the uppermoon 2 one of the strongest demon in here you looked at the poor girl's death body which is got stab by Douma's fans. You raged look at him, he complaining that you were so fast but sadly he faster than you he killed the girl. He asked you if you were a Hashira, your rage blood are getting higher looked at him.

-your pov-
I'm fighting with the uppermoon 2 now... That bastard... The one and only killed my nee-san! I hate him!
- I hold my haori and talked to him with rage "don't you remember this haori,this haori from my nee-san!"
-he looked at me with a disgusting confuse then he realized and he smiled.
-He said"oh-? Right! I have to admire that flower girl are so nice and fast! But too but that I couldn't play with her anymore so I have to stab her and since the sun  almost rise up I couldn't devour her" he said with sad tone.

That stupid uppermoon 2 he have to burn in hell! I hold my blaze and run fast like a butterfly then stab into one of his rainbow eyes He kinda suprise but also said to me like a maniac , he attacked me but lucky for me  I was able to dodge fast always from his blood demon art, it... Was so cold my hands are getting froze. I stoped and look at him wait until "it" srpead out his eye and it does work. He coughing out blood, the poison spread out his eye for a momment, he kneel down and keep coughing blood. He stoped as he said that he really like it!? He burst out laugh as loud as he asked me if I had more bring it out. I suprised and raged at the same time. He finally stand up and keep complaints me, little does he know every my body are fill with wisterias poison even my Butterfly hair-clip which mean if he devour me he'll eat 37 kg wisterias poison. My plan are working fast. I started to attack him again.
-Douma's pov:
I can't continue play with this short Butterfly girl anymore, I have to devour her I'm hungry now. I used my fans and cut her..

-Your pov:Already? I kneel down on the floor in blood puddle

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

-Your pov:
Already? I kneel down on the floor in blood puddle... No... Suddenly Douma is coming closer and nee-san are in front of me and says..
-"Y/n kochou, once you want to revenge him you must be finish it I know it's hard but you have to try to bring the peace for the world! Stand up my lil sis stand up!"
I stand up as soon as Douma suprises, then I looked at him in raged but... I felt something under the floor. I looked down and saw a portal I tried to run but... I fall into it!
-" no no! Someone help me...."
I fall as I tried to call some help...but

                Nobody came . . . .

swapdream dream x shinobu!readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ