reaction to your (fake)death

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Kanao: I'm not sure nee-san . .what if he-
Y/n: no worries. . He won't:}}
Tanjiro: I have a bad feeling about this . .
SD! Nightmare: heh- are you sure?
Y/n: yeah I'm sure!
------after prepare-------
SD! Dream: *walk in and see Y/n laying on the floor "death"* DARLING!? *immediately rush to her dead body* come on.. Wake up darling. .this isn't funny. .
Kanao: *walk in and gasp dramatically(jk)* what happened!?
SD Dream: I don't know! I just walked in and my darling already here!!
Y/n: boo *smug*
SD Dream: *freeze in place* is this a prank. . ?
Y/n: yes. .got you~
SD Dream: my naughty Butterfly. .~ I will punish you~
  The end

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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