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Your pov:
After I kicked his mother-f*cker d*ck, I hold Nightmare's hand and run away. Oh my.. This situation made me remembered about the day that nee-san and I adopted Kanao as our lil sis not gonna lie that day was so fun. Wait... Kanao! Oh shoot I forgot about her and Inosuke! But how am I suppose to do now I can't get back..
-"Y/n... Y/n! " Night call me "h-huh?"I responded "you were zoomed out" he said. "Am I? Sorry then" I apologize to him.
SD! Night's pov:
I was talking to Y/n. Seems like she kinda nice but she looks like thinking something... And her face looks worry,I don't wanna interupt but I have to. I called her... No responded.
-"Y/n!" I called again. Now she's responded now.
After some coversations I saw Dream! No.. I have to make sure Y/n is safe! I hold y/n's hand then teleported away. Phew.. That's was close..
-"Night!" Y/n yell my name "huh?" I answered. "Where exactly are we?" She asked then I looked around then realized that we were at in front up Dream's castle. "We need to get out of here as soon as Dream get ba-" a grilles got us, we got stuck by Dream's trap!?
-"Well well isn't it Nightmare and his friend?" This voice... It's Dream again!? You gotta be kidding me...
-"What do you want now.. Brother-"
-"Glad you asked, I only want to protect you away from the villagers and I saw this short butterfly girl, she must been your first friend isn't it? Andd I want you to answer my question that's all!~" Dream said.
-I was silence until I felt someone's negative energy, I looked next to Y/n and got a little freak-out because I never seen who was this angry before.
"I won't answe-"I try to say but Y/n interupted me "My name doesn't matter... But let's me and Night go! Or else!?-" "Or what~?" Dream chuckle said teasing her which made her more angry.
-Your pov-
Ugh.. Why.. Think Y/n think! He not an Oni so I couldn't deal with him with wisterias flower... Wait.. My the knife under my shoes! Right! I tried to cut the string from the grilles and it worked but... I feel dizziness.. No.. I have to wake up.. Then I black out . . .
- The third's person:
After Y/n cutted the string from the grilles, Swad opened a sleep gases made both Swan and Y/n fall asleep. As the grilles got destroyed Y/n fall down under Swad's arm. He smirked at her small body in his body. About Swan he teleported Swan to a guest's room. After he do that,he put y/n in his bed then tied her up with his chain, he sitting there and waiting for his own little butterfly wake up. He satisfied with his plan actually worked. He looked at her sleeping in peace.

 He looked at her sleeping in peace

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

What does he doing..? Is he fall in love again? He felt butterflies in his stomach. He loved her... He's want her to wake up and tell her name for him. He exciting for her. He kissed on her head then he come out and command his maid to prepare food for his 'future Queen'. He commanded as he sitting on the throne drink some Coffee. He thinking about her again.. He blushed when he think about her. He's doing some paperwork to stop thinking.
-your pov:
Ugh... Where am I..? I looked around the room. I took the blanket off me then looking for Night, I was walking down the hall until I saw the 'guest room' I opened it then I see Night. I ran to him tried to wake him up. After Night wake up, he explained that this is Dream base. I was kinda shock that this is Dream's base. That's it.. I'm gonna try to escape from here but how...
-"Night? Do you have any plan? Escaping? I don't like this place..." I said. "Let me think, actually there are an exit but we need to be careful because there's some cameras. "Cameras? What is that?" I asked. "Cameras is something that could watch you every move, it's really small or big depends on the owner" he answered.
Alright. I got everything now but how am I gonna go back to Kanao after this, maybe I'm gonna ask Night about this...
SD! Nightmare pov:
Huh? Y/n looks really serious now.. Maybe we have to escape from this damn castle.. But.. Y/n's face.. Are more serious now..

 Are more serious now

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I looked at her... And smoking

She smashed my skull then said "stop smoking!"

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

She smashed my skull then said "stop smoking!"

swapdream dream x shinobu!readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ