3-(๑✪ᆺ✪๑) Day One

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In Ramshackle dorm lounge everyone was sitting and chatting away . They were quite excited about this . Grim:
- There we go. This room is finally all decorated.

- Yes , it does have nice Halloween vibes to it.

- Ghosts look very happy. I mean I would be too if someone celebrated me.

- These lamp things made outta pumpkins. What are they called again?

- Jack-o'-lanterns . They are called Jack-o'-lanterns.

- Yes . Those , they were pretty expensive in here honestly.

- At first , I thought the whole idea of using food as light source was kinda nuts . But when I tried to make one for myself, I had so much fun. I just had to keep going.

- Oh yeah it is quite fun and messy too . Though mines look pretty weird with so many fancy details and I painted it a little bit .

- We are having fun but it looks like you six are having fun as much as us if not more! Ehehehehe!

- The happyness took me to otherside and back!

- Gotta say hi to our old buddies that will come to visit.

While ghosts were talking about their friends and old times Kaori and Grim was playing with their lanterns like small kids . Kinda silly honestly...

- Check it out! That pumpkin came out looking just like Yuu! See! Mya!

- I don't know what to say to that.

- It is finally time for Halloween week , huh?

- Yup. We plan on checking up on campus and going to our stamp venue .

- Let's get this shown start!

- Not so fast!

- Oh yeah we forgot to change our costumes!

They went on and changed their outfits. It was so much fun . Let's say they had so much confidence and flexing too.

- Hee hee hee. Now you look like great ghost mages!

- Yes. You all got even us some costumes . So we wouldn't want you forgetting yours.

- Now you are all dressed up . Let's go out there , enjoy Halloween. We will help with stamp venue!

- Let's go , Yuu. Now . We don't wanna miss anything!!!

Then they got out and splited ways. For the first day the stamp shift was going to be Kaori and EI , in other half was going to be the ghosts .

Meanwhile with Grim, Yuu, Zhongli and Venti are visiting Heartslabyul. In botanical garden, there was some kids playing around. Some of them even was too happy about the decorations. I mean , who wouldn't be!? Deuce and Cater was the one taking care of the visitors. They seemed very happy but Deuce was obviously nervous. Cater:
- Boo! I am a creepy scary skeleton, and I am here to party!

- Boo! Um.... Are you scared?

The kid laughed and telling she wasn't scared at all . Cater chirped in:
- That awkward delivery is just precious, Deucey!

Yuu slowly approaching them:
- Yes it was pretty cute!

- Look , I don't know what to do around kids...

- It is okay you will get better . But this is Halloween, you should have fun just like the kids and make happy memories.

- Yes, don't be nervous Deuce!

☾︎𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 ❤︎ 𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐓☽︎ Where stories live. Discover now