6-(ू˃̣̣̣̣̣̣︿˂̣̣̣̣̣̣ ू) Sleepless Castle

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There was a huge noise of a gate opening as Rook, Trey and Sebek entered the the place:
- Ahh, look there. What a beautiful scenery! A moon grand enough to swallow the darkness of night. Elegant bats fluttering on silent wings. And a castle adorning the landscape like a regal gown. How majestic, yet how fragile it looks. I cannot help but wonder why I feel it could fade away at any moment. . . What do you think of it?

Sebek scolds putting his arms to his waist as he looks seriously pissed at how relaxed Rook looked in middle of "nowhere" while they were supposed to save their kidnapped friends:

Rook smiles softly and looks around at awe at the scene:
- You are brimming with energy, Sebek. Such passion sets my very heart trembling.

Sebek scolds Rook as Sebek looks extra on edge :
- How can you be so cavalier when we have come to yet ANOTHER dead end? We must rendezvous with the others so we can rescue Malleus and Lilia!

Trey shaking his had in disbelief while Sebek was angry as Trey tries to calm him down:
- Just take it easy, Sebek. I admit this isn't the time to be admiring the view, but we should still make a note of our surroundings. There is no sign of Riddle or the others, and this place is downright eerie. Just where are we? We were counting on using the viewglass to get support but it is not working. I have to say, I am stumped.

It is like whole mood and music changes when Rook speaks so casually and carelessly:
- Heh heh heh. Worry not! I have an idea where we might be.

Sebek and Trey yelps "You do?". Rook starts states "Look in the forest to our right." Sebek looks curiosly before his eyes widen at hearing something "The forest? All I see is some dense foliage. . . Hm?". The unknown voice speaks:
- I didn't expect to find anything over here, but would you look at that. We got couple of live ones!

Sebek shocked " a voice is coming from the fog!" . Trey eyes also widened " Something is heading our way!" . With sound of loud thunder striking down reveals an old round and antique ghost:
- I am under orders to bring anyone living to the boss!

Sebek and Trey yelps fully realizing the owner of the said voice they have heard "a ghost!?". The said ghost floats forward:
- You are all coming with me!

While Trey and Sebek looked alarmed, Rook had a smirk plastered all over his face :
- This ghost must be beckoning the living somewhere. Oh, my curiosity is positively piqued. As much as I'd love to accept your gracious invitation, I must consult with my companions first. What say you two?

Trey gives an awkward smile towards Rook, as Trey sighs:
- I am not fool enough to accept an invite from some strange ghost.

Sebek more defensively poses like in a fight stance facing the ghost furiously in his eyes:
- I see no reason to comply with this ill mannered ghost. He just came out of nowhere and started ordering us around!

Ghost gets annoyed at their reaction like he has some sort of place to, ghost from that era are really annoying to deal with:
- Ah, what a cheeky bunch! We'll do this the hard way, then!

As they fight Sebek fights more offensively. Trey taking more defensive and Rook just being Rook and enjoying the fight. This was more of a bullying then a real fight since ghost seems to be not able to dodge anything or make any damages, Sebek yells:
- Take this you insolent ghost!

Ghost yelps backwards as he was beaten without hold back from Sebek, Rook and Trey, as ghost whines away :
- Eek! Such brutality!

Sebek crosses his arms pretty confidently " Hmph. All bark and no bite, as they say. " . Trey fixes his glasses on his face that were falling off " I am impressed, Sebek. You were amazing back there. " . Sebek takes a minute to realize the compliment:
- Impressed, are you? Heh, you must be unusually perceptive, for a human. Your magic could never compare to Malleus or Lilia's, but it was most precise. As befits a junior, I suppose.

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