3-\⁠(⁠๑⁠╹⁠◡⁠╹⁠๑⁠)⁠ノ⁠♬ Skeletons

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🧛 Pomfiore 🧛

M.M. Man A:
- This is the Dark Mirror? Looks like a plain old stuff reflector to me. 

M.M. Woman B:
- Okay , but the Mirror Chamber itself is , like , super mystical and stuff . They say this is the only time of the year when outsiders are allowed to enter this place .

                 They saw a sign that said "No Photography." M.M. Woman B:
- Ah, there is a sign that says no photography . . . But if we don't get a picture now , I'll never be able to get a picture .

M.M. Man A:
- Nobody else is in here , so it is not like we are bothering anybody. Getting a few snaps wouldn't hurt , I say!

M.M. Woman B:
- I like the way you think. Okay , let's do it!

                Then they started taking pictures in mirror chamber. Like what the!? Vil Schoenheit:
- And now they are taking pictures in the Mirror Chamber. Pity . It seems these so called guests have no honour after all . Between Magicam Mosnters and paparazzi, not a single person who takes pictures without permission is a decent human being . They have not a care in the world for how much they inconvenience others , as long as they get their precious clout .

- Photography itself is a wonderful thing . It allows us to capture a moment of beauty and preserve it for all eternity . I can appreciate a desire to collect such senses . But there is no beauty in the act of rulebreaking .

- Ah! They are getting their hands all over that gate! And they are . . . trying to open it!? The gates guide the souls of students chosen by Dark Mirror. You can't open them without a special key . They headmage said as much , but look at these people . . .

- If children won't abide by the rules, they deserve a proper punishment . Rook, Epel, is everything in place?

Rook and Epel:
- Oui / Yes , sir!

                      Vil got out of his hiding spot from a place to be in line of sight of magicam monsters but not in a way to give away that he knows they are there . Just starting their plan.  Meanwhile magicam monsters were astonished to see Vil out of everyone. M.M. Man A:
- H-Hey , check it out!

M.M. Woman B:
- What? Wait, is that Vil Schoenheit?!

M.M. Man A:
- I heard he went to Night Raven College, but wow. We get to see him in person!

M.M. Woman B:
- I might never get another chance to see Vil this close up. I'd better get some pics while I can .

M.M. Man A:
- But there is no photography allowed . We might get in trouble. let's hide behind this gate and snap some pictures there!

M.M. Woman B:
- Good idea.

             Then they started taking pictures of Vil without his permission, creeps. M.M. Man A:
- Someone followed Vil in .

M.M. Woman B:
- Awww, he's so cute! I haven't seen him on TV or online before. Is he featured in magazines, maybe?

M.M. Man A:
- No idea . But let's get some pictures anyway . Even I can tell he's got a unique look going!

M.M. Woman B:
- Ooh, maybe we've discovered Twisted Wonderland's next got model . Wouldn't that be cool? If I post these with the hashtags #VilSpotted and #OnceInAMillenniumQTPie , I will go viral for sure!

- Vil .

- Why, hello there , Epel . Is dinner prepared?

- Yes, sir . A prime meal is ready for you . . . Come on , you two! Over here , now!

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