{Day 1 part 1.5} Finding her

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Running down the halls of the school I know Latte works at, I can never quite remember the name of the school, I check every classroom to see if Latte is there. If I can't see a teacher, I just peek inside. I've gotten a few looks of disappointment and anger, some confused looks and some amused looks from students. I apologise before I leave every time, it's the least I can do after disturbing a lesson. After checking what I thought was every classroom and not being able to find Latte, I check another hall.


More rooms.

I groan and check some more classrooms, until finally. There she is. The girl I've been looking for. I quickly swing open the door and run over to her. She looks at me with shock, as do the students, which, I mean, fair. I did just burst into their classroom. "Madeleine, what are you doing here?" She asks me, if I tell her I need her help for making soup, there's no way she'll come with me, so I tell her another truth; "It's an emergency!! You have to come with me!!" I shout. One of her students gets up; Creampuff. I've seen and heard about her before, but I've never met her. "I want to help!" She calls out. I look at her and shake my head. "No, this is an emergency for Latte, nobody else can help me!!" I call out. That probably sparked some ideas in the students, because some of them let out an "Ooooooo" as if I just confessed my love to her!! Which, I would never do. My heart lies with Espresso. He's the only one I would ever confess to.....if I could ever get myself to do that. Somehow, he is the only person who makes me feel so nervous. Besides, it doesn't matter. He doesn't feel the same and I don't want to ruin the friendship we have.

I glare at the class. "No, no 'Oooooo'. This is no time for 'oooooo'-ing!!!" I grab Latte's hands and pull her out of the classroom and through the halls. "Um, Madeleine? The exit is that way." She says, pulling a hand back and pointing over her shoulder. "Oh, thanks!!" I say, and walk the other way. "What's the big emergency anyway?" She asks. "And is it so urgent that I can't get someone to take over my class?" Oh, yeah, no maybe that is a good idea. The soup can wait a few more minutes, Espresso is asleep anyways. "Yeah, you can go find someone, buy quickly okay? Espresso needs us!" I declare heroically. "Wait- Espresso!? Is he okay!?!?" She asks. Of course she's worried for her brother, who wouldn't be? "No! But I'm taking care of him. He's sick, I think. And I came here for your help!" I explain to her while we look for someone to take over the class she was teaching. "I want to make some soup for him, but, I have no idea how to make soup. You can help, right?"

Latte stopped and looked at me, unamused. "That's what you pulled me from my lesson for? Really?" She asks me. "Um, yeah! Duh! I don't want to burn his house down and he needs to eat something!! If he doesn't get something in his system soon, he might die!!!!" I explain to her. Surely now she'll understand. She raises an eyebrow. "Can't he live off of coffee like he usually does?" "No, we tried that. He threw up at the smell..." "Oh that's....that's bad. Okay I'll help you." "Thanks."

After a good half our of finding a teacher and buying ingredients, we finally get back to Espresso's house to make soup.
(626 words)

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