{Day 1 part 2} Care goes both ways

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Once we got back to Espresso's house, the first thing I did was of course check if he was still sleeping. He was. Then I went back downstairs to help Latte make soup for Espresso. She told me I could have also gone to a store and just bought soup (which I honestly forgot), but I want it to be special for Espresso.

The soup didn't take long, it was done in maybe an hour. Latte gave me instructions for how to heat it up if we wanted to eat more later, maybe tomorrow, and then she left to go back to her job.

Now it's just me and Espresso again in the house. I could pour him a bowl of soup, but I don't want to wake him up in case he's still sleeping. I walk upstairs to his room to go see, I open the door to his bedroom and- where is he? WHERE IS ESPRESSO!? I look around frantically, I call out his name even. No response. Now it's time to panic, and oh does panic set in. It sets in good.

I don't know what rooms I've checked and haven't, I've ran up and down the stairs; until I realise. He's probably in his lab. But what about the smell?? I sprint back up the stairs, headed for the lab he has in his house. I swing open the door and there he is. Sitting hunched over at his desk with some rolled up toilet paper plugged into his nose. I let out a breath I hadn't even realised I was holding "Oh, 'Spresso..." I mumble, sneaking my way over to him. If I allow him to, he will resist, so there's only one thing I can do. I pick him up under his armpits and pull him up out of his chair. And as expected, he struggles. "Madeleine- put me down!!" He protests, but I refuse. He's clawing at my hands and trying to push himself away from me, but I don't even flinch. I carry him back to bed and drop him, then tuck him in. He looks pissed. But he isn't the only one who's mad right now.

[Nobody pov]

Espresso glares at the knight who put him back to bed, only to be met with a similarly piercing gaze. He wants to speak, but before he can even begin he is interrupted by his own throat, and coughs heavily into his hand. The gaze from before softens, and the blonde towering over him allows himself to sit down with him on the bed. "What were you doing, Es? You know you're supposed to stay in bed.." Espresso closes his eyes and crosses his arms, ouch. "I have to finish worki-" "No." Madeleine cuts him off. "You don't have to work right now!! You're sick, Espresso. Your health comes first, you can always work once you're better. For now, we need to focus on your health, okay? You don't need to try and argue with me, because I won't let you." Then his tone changes from scolding to the usual sweet and bubbly. "Oh! I made you soup, stay here and I'll go get you some!!" He beams, and with that, the warmth that is Madeleine exits the room.

Espresso is left alone once again. He looks around the dimly lit room. The light from the hallway is soft against the harsh darkness of the bedroom. The mage takes the rolled up toilet paper plugs from his nose and tries to inhale through his nose, only to find it's blocked. Damn. He sighs and relaxes his tense body, the bed is so incredibly soft and comfortable against his aching limbs, it feels nice to be back here. Maybe staying in bed isn't so bad after all.

Meanwhile, Madeleine has grabbed a bowl, and is about to scoop some soup into it. He grabs onto the pan with his bare hand. That pan is incredibly hot. Not in the same way as he thinks Espresso is (though his temperature is extremely high, still). He lets out a pained cry and quickly pulls his hand back, sets the bowl down and rubs his hand. "Owww, that hurt..." he mutters. He's unsure of how to deal with the burn, aside from rinsing it off. So that's what he does. He's never been burnt before, the Divine has always protected him from that...so...maybe this is karma for the way he thought about touching Espresso's body before. It was wrong wasn't it? All the more reason to keep him as a friend. Nothing more.

Espresso heard the cry and instantly assumed the worst. I mean, this is Madeleine we're talking about here. He groans and gets out of the bed. Cold. Whatever. He struggles down the stairs, this is no easy trip. He hopes to whatever God might be out there that Madeleine can carry him back upstairs after whatever had happened. He stumbles into the kitchen to find Madeleine, holding his hand steady under a stream of water. The mage leans against the doorway, making a floorboard squeak. Madeleine looks around and his eyes widen once he sees Espresso. "Espresso!! You were supposed to stay in bed what are you doing here!?" He asks, turning around swiftly and walking over to the sick man, his hand still wet. "I heard you scream. What happened?" Espresso asks, followed by a cough. "I accidentally burned my hand, but I'll be fi-" He got cut off by Espresso grabbing and inspecting his hand. "Do you know how to take care of this?" "Ehehe, no, not really.." "Okay. Bring me to the bathroom and I'll help you." Madeleine sighs and nods. "Alright, shall I carry you?" "I won't make it back upstairs on my own."

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