Chapter 3

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A/N: Now this is the part where the chapter may or may not get lousy....( Because i'm the one writing this and not the original author.) I will be genuinely surprised if anyone likes this.

Anyways I hope you'll enjoy my continuation of this story!!! ヾ(•ω•')o


Silence filled the room until..... Taufan's phone rang ( listen to the video above if you want to know the ringtone.... If you dare~ (o゜▽゜)o☆) . Taufan's face was as red as a tomato (Amato) and he frantically searched for his phone. He turned around and answered the call 

"Hello?" Taufan whispered to the phone.

"Hey Taufan!"

"Oh hey! Um sorry but I can't talk right now I'm kind of in the middle of something..."

"Taufan what could you possible be busy with? Your rarely busy!"

" I may or may not have revealed that I a vampire to my other friends and now currently getting interrogated?"


" Hello? Hello! Hey answer me!"

A few seconds later the front door opened with a loud bang, letting in the cold wind and rain as it was a rainy weather. A blur black figure rushed inside and pulled Taufan behind them, making a barrier between Hail and Taufan. The hood of the cloak fell revealing a young boy that look between the age of 16 to 15. He had fierce orange eyes and brown bushy hair, if you to look carefully, you could see that under the cloak he was wearing a black and orange outfit with a bit of yellow (similar to the cover of the book but its up to your imagination if you want). 

" Take five steps back if you don't want to get burnt!" the boy commanded. Hail, Gempa, Ice and Solar all slowly took five steps back not taking any chances. The boy turned around to Taufan and grabbed his shoulders, shaking them." WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! REVEALING THAT YOUR A VAMPIRE? YOU COULD GET KILLED!!"

"I know but Solar knew that Thorn was a vampire too and I wasn't escape from the conversation and please stop shaking me!" Taufan replied back, he could feel his life force slipping away as the boy continued to shake his entire body. " Sigh* Fine, your not injured anywhere are you?

" I'm fine really! Sigh* Sometimes you act as if your my mother even when your younger than me!"

" It's not my fault that sometimes your reckless! (A/N: says the one that's canonly known for his recklessness... Don't worry I still love you blaze!)" Snapped back the boy . In the background, you could see the three confused boys as they stood there looking at the two bickering boys, except for Ice. He recognized that voice, the appearance and name but he was suppose to be dead! He saw how he died in the hands of a vampire! How was there standing ]before of him, alive and standing?

"Blazey?" the boy's whole body froze as the rest turned around to Ice, confusion written on their faces. Ice started to walk towards the boy he called Blaze." Is it really you?" The boy turned around and smiled " Yes, its really me Ice. Sorry i didn't tell you sooner."

Ice ran to Blaze and hugged him into a bone crushing hug with blaze returning him with the same strength. Ice released the hug but still held on to blaze facing him.

"After all theses years, you were still alive? How?"

" Its a bit of a long story but long story short I got turned into a vampire. Surprise?"

Ice then started to tear up and hugged blaze again. The boys were surprised except Blaze as they have only known Ice to be one that shows little emotion. As Ice and Blaze were having their heartwarming moment, it was soon interrupted by the door swigging open again. This time a boy in green and black was standing at the door soaked from head to toe. Solar immediately recognized this person as his long lost twin, Thorn. 

"Thorn! why did you leave the house? I told you not to leave until I came back!" 

"I know but i was scared so I followed your scent and it brought me here!"

"Sigh okay fine but you could have at least brought a cloak! Look at you your soaked!"

"Hehe.. Sorry, I guess that would have been smarter than running the rain."

Blaze gave a look to Thorn while taking of his cloak and wrapping it around him, Blaze then procced to flicked Thorn's head. "Ouch! Okay I'm sorry I didn't listen BUT you were taking to longgggg!"

"Okay, okay I'm sorry too. Well since were all here, minus well sit down and talk."

"I-I'll go make something to drink..." Gempa who had been silent through out the entire time (chapter) had finally spoken up. "Oh, and can vampires drink tea?"

" Oh, I can drink tea but you don't need to make any for Taufan and Thorn. However, if you don't mind could I use two of your cups?" Blaze responded to Gempa. "Sure, their in the kitchen I'll go get them."  After Gempa left the room, the rest began to make their way towards the table and sat down. Blaze in between Taufan and Thorn, Ice between Solar and Hali, Thorn and Solar side by side and Taufan And Hali with a empty chair between them, the atmosphere was tense and Awkward.

"Sooooo we should probably start by introducing ourselves so hi I'm blaze and i'm the some what "dead" twin brother of Ice. I live with Thorn in an abandon house in the south-west side from here. And no, I don't drink blood of any kind unlike Taufan and Thorn but they won't drink your bllod if thats what your concern about."

" I think Ice had mentioned you a few times before but if you were dead how are you still here? And I though" Solar voiced out the thoughts of Ice and Hali. " Ah, well when I got bitten by the vampire and it sort of turn me half vampire." Just as Blaze was explaining, Gempa came in with a tray and served Five cups of tea around the table and passed blaze two empty cups. Blaze then opened a small back tied around his waist and took out a dagger. Hali and Solar immediately took out their weapons and took their defensive stance while pointing there weapons at Blaze. Blaze however was surprisingly calm and held the small knife against his wrist and slit a vertical line across his wrist, he them poured his blood into the cups before giving them to Thorn and Taufan. The four boys stared bewildered at the scene before them.

"I'm still half human so they are able to drink my blood." Blaze answered reading all their minds.

After they processed the information, Hail and solar slowly sat back down and hid away their weapons.

"Well then, I think its better for us to explain the different types of vampires."


Woah can't believe I wrote down 1137 word! I can't even write down 3 paragraphs in my compo!.

Anyway this is the end of the fourth chapter! See you in the next one! Author out!

\( ̄︶ ̄*\))

Edit: I accidentally made some mistakes so I made a few minor changes here and there. Hope you guys didn't noticed them thou, if you did I apologize if I made you feel any negative emotions because if my mistakes. Thank you for bothering to read this edit.

The Trio Troublebiters originally by apiice.Where stories live. Discover now