Chapter 4

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Vampires are not your ordinary fairytale pale skin bloodsuckers, they may come in different shapes and sizes. They can be beautiful and elegant or they can be big and terrifying, they can look human or inhuman which ever form may they take.

There are three types of vampires, the half blooded, the common and the pure-blooded. The pure-blooded are the most powerful out of the vampires and have the ability to turn others into vampires or the reverse. Half-bloods and common vampires are similar but half-bloods are slightly more stronger. Common vampires only turn at the age of 15 while half-bloods turn when bitten by a pure-blooded vampire. An pure blood however, are born as vampires, although their fangs only grow out at the age of ten or when in dire need.

Pure-bloods are born from both a human and vampire, a mix between two different kinds. They are similar to half-bloods however they are the balance between a vampires and humans, the bridge that connects the two worlds together. 

Half-bloods were once humans until they are turned by pure-bloods. They still have the aspects of a human but it is now accompanied by fangs and the desire to drink blood. However if one is sensible enough, they can control their need to quench their thirst. Unlike pure-bloods, they are not a mix of vampire and human but rather half of each. Its like two colors side by side but never mixing together. They also have the ability to walk under the sun without any side effects (normal vampires can still walk under the sun its just that their skin is extremely sensitive. Thus, causes them to have sunburns.

Then there's common vampires. They are weaker than the two types mentioned before but are still stronger than of a average human being. There is isn't really much about them as they are similar to vampires mentioned in stories but look more human.

All vampires each have a different supernatural ability of their own. For example, the ability to manipulate mother nature and move plants to their will (for the stake of adding elemental powers in this book).  Although vampires do not dust away when in contact with brood daylight, they are still sensitive to sunlight (except for half-bloods). Hence, they tend to active at night or during stormy days.


Sorry the chapter is a bit short, I'm having a bit of writer's block and its in the middle of exam season so I might not update for sometime, but not to fear I will still be updating from time to time just that the chapters may either seem rushed or the newer chapters will come later then expected.

I also what to thank you guys for actually bothering to wasting your time just to read this book! 86 reads in 2 days! I was literally jumping up and down when I saw it! I feel so appreciated by you all!

Okay so this is the end of chapter 4! I'll see you in the next chapter! Author out!


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