18 (SERIOUS TOPIC): Fourth Death

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TW: Blood, Hanging, & Abuse (SERIOUS TOPIC)

If you are getting abused please tell an adult or somebody like the police.

If you have suicidal thoughts please call the suicidal hotline.

This is meant for entertainment purposes only.

Thank you for reading.

The next day.

"Pick a flower... pick a flower... Bumblebees are out..." Screech hummed to himself as he looked at the flower he put in his hair. "Rush..." He whispered. "I miss you already..." Tears fell from his eyes, slowly drifting down to the ground.

"Maybe I should go visit Timothy..." He thought as he wiped his eyes dry with his sleeve. He stood up, walked down the hall, and knocked on Timothy's door softly. "Come in." Came the voice from inside. Screech slowly opened the door to find Timothy sitting on his bed reading a book. "Hi." Screech said as he walked inside and sat down beside him. "Hey! What's with the flower in your hair?" "It reminded me of Rush, soo..." Screech trailed off.

Timothy nodded sympathetically. "That's nice." He said. Screech gave a small nod before leaning against Timothy's arm. They both looked out the window and stared at the sky. After a while, Timothy broke the silence "So how are you holding up?" He asked.

"Fine... I guess. I still miss him though..." Screech replied softly before sighing and shaking his head slightly. "I think... I really want to talk to someone about it. About everything that happened that day." He explained hesitantly. Timothy nodded silently.

"Do you feel safe here?" He asked carefully. "Yeah..." Said Screech as he hugged his legs closer to himself. Timothy nodded slightly. "Good. If anything happens, I'll help you through it okay? You don't need to worry, I'm here for you." He said reassuringly, ruffling Screech's hair slightly. "Alright." Screech replied with a slight smile. Then, Screech eventually got up and waved goodbye to Timothy as he left his room. "I'm gonna go see what Halt is doing." Screech thought to himself happily as he reached Halt's door.

He knocked on it loudly, waiting for an answer. Nothing. He waited several seconds before knocking again. Nothing. He then realized that the door was unlocked, so he opened it and...


...He saw it.

Halt was hanging from a noose. There was a note on the floor beneath him. The note read:

'I can't take it anymore. All these deaths are getting to me. It's too much for me to handle. Im sorry that I failed you all. Please don't let this stop you from keep going. Again, I'm sorry. Goodbye now. - Halt'

Sighing sadly, he closed Halt's door and leaned against it, tears falling from his eyes. He slid down and began sobbing quietly into his arms. "Why is this happening... He muttered quietly between sobs. He shook his head and pushed the thoughts away as best he could. "Stop thinking about it." He commanded himself. He sighed deeply, wiping his eyes and nose as he stood up. "Maybe I should... visit Jack." Screech thought as he made his way to Jack's room.

As he reached to knock on the door, he coughed. "Jeez what's going on inside there.." He muttered quietly to himself. He then opened the door only to see Jack smoking. Jack was slightly startled when he noticed someone enter his room. "Oh, Screech... Didn't expect anyone else." Jack said as he chuckled and put out his cigarette. "Wh...Why are you-" "Because I Can." Jack interrupted as he lit another cigarette before coughing slightly. "Right." Screech replied awkwardly. "Okay cool, go away now." Jack said, slightly annoyed.

"But-" "Go." "I Don't want to!-" Screech was interrupted by Jack blowing smoke towards his face and putting out his cigarette on his head. "Ow!" Screech cried out as coughed and held the side of his head. Jack laughed quietly before walking over to Screech. "When did you become such a brat...?" Jack muttered under his breath sarcastically. "Now please, Get out." he added. Screech sighed before making his way to the door. When he had just reached the door, however, he remembered why he had come in the first place. "Jack!" he yelled, causing Jack to turn around. "What?" He snapped, his annoyance clear in his tone.

"I was wondering if we could maybe talk..." he said as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "About?" He asked. "Well um-" "Nothing? Well go." Jack interrupted as he lit another cigarette. "But-" "I said go." He snapped coldly this time. "No!" Screech protested weakly. "You're getting on my nerves." Jack growled in frustration. Screech backed away slightly and whimpered "I just wanted to-" "SHUT UP!" Jack shouted at Screech as he hit him hard on the head.

Screech let out a scream of pain as he fell backwards on the ground. "I'M SORRY!!" He apologized as Jack approached him. He noticed that his head was bleeding a bit also. "Don't make a sound." Jack said lowly as he knelt down in front of Screech and placed both hands over his mouth. "I haven't changed, Screech. I never did." Jack whispered into his ear. Screech's body trembled violently as he tried not to start crying.

Jack pulled his hands away from his mouth. "Though, It May not seem like it, but I still care about you like everyone else... just a tiny bit." Jack added, letting his hand rest on top of Screech's head. Screech nodded silently as he got up to leave, still holding his head. Once he reached the hallway, he heard footsteps follow him but quickly disappear.

I didn't like writing this chapter if I'm being honest

I hate this version of Jack

And again,

If you are getting abused please tell an adult or somebody like the police.

If you have suicidal thoughts please call the suicidal hotline.

This is meant for entertainment purposes only.

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