Chapter Three

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I woke up to the sound of city life. Charlotte was opening my window as I sat up on the bed. My blonde locks flowed over my shoulder as I combed through it with my fingers.

"Another big day in a big city!" Charlotte turned around and smiled. She had on a white-polka dot navy jumper. Her long red hair was wrapped up in a high pony tail.

The light came through the window a little to bright and I squinted my blue eyes. "Char I just woke up. That's a bit bright." She had the curtains pushed all the way back.

"Oh well. Look it's beautiful outside. Just trying to get you to wakey-wakey so we can get some pancakes."

Charlotte smiled and started for the door. "Better be ready in ten minutes!" She closed the door behind her.

I groaned and rubbed my nose. I looked at my phones clock that I'd reset for Dublin and it said '7:08' AM. I was definitely not a morning person.

I went to the big mirror over the dresser and sat down on a small stool. I grabbed my hair-stuff bag and began to do a braided bun. When I was done I hurriedly put some mascara and Chapstick on. Then I put on a fitted coral dress and my favorite silver sandals. I grabbed my phone and headed out of my room.

Charlotte and mom were seated at the living room table eating pancakes and drinking milk.

The room was beyond bright but the view was just as extraordinary as it had been last night.

I sat down and grabbed a thick pancake to eat.

"How was your sleep Hun?" My mom asked politely as she finished wiping her mouth.

"It was good." I smiled and took a little bite of my pancake. It was delicious.

"I had a strange dream last night." My mom said abruptly.

I finished chewing and looked up at her.

"It was about you Ember." She continued, looking at me intently.

"Oh?..." I muttered.

"You were walking alone really late at night out there." Her hands gestured towards the window. "You trailed down this dark alley. You seemed like you were hiding from someone or something. You looked terrified Em."

I stared at my mom. Trying to decode what she had just told me.

"All the sudden this black figure showed up, there was a bright flash, and a shrill scream. I woke up in sweats." My mom seemed concerned as she rubbed her elbows and looked down.

"It was just a nightmare mom. It's okay." I said. I reached across the table and took her hand. Holding it tightly. I didn't want my mom to be scared for me.

"Just be okay baby please. This is a big and dangerous city full of all kinds of people. And we go out a lot. Maybe you can go around with Niall today." My mom said regaining a lighter mood.

"Of course mom. He texted me last night. He's supposed to be taking me out today to show me around." I smiled as I reassured my mom.

"Great honey! Charlotte and I are gonna go explore together today. I hope your date goes well. Perhaps we can meet back at the hotel tonight?"

"Mom it's not a date."

"Oh..okay." I saw her wink at Charlotte. I turned to Charlotte and saw her smiling mischievously at my mom.

"Whatever. I'm gonna go call Niall and see what our plans are." I put my dish on the tray and went to my room to call him.

I sat down on my bed and took my phone out of my pocket. I found his contact and pressed 'Call.'

"Hey Ember! I was just about to call you myself." He said jubilantly on the other line.

I smiled bright and laughed a little. "Hello Niall. What time do you want to take me around?"

"Right now actually. I really wanna get an early start."

"That's great. My mom and friend Charlotte are going to explore together today. They're really glad your showing me around."

He laughed cutely. "I'm really glad I have the pleasure to show a beautiful girl around." He stated in his thick accent.

I shifted as I got butterflies. He was just too amazing. "Thank you." I giggled. "Where do you want to meet me?"

"I'd love to pick you up at your hotel. Do you happen to be staying at Valerie Hotel?"

"Yes actually." I smiled. "Do you know how to get here?"

"Yes love. Can I meet you in the lobby at 7:45?"

I smiled really wide, full to the brim with happiness.

"Of course. See you soon Niall!"

"See you soon las."

Las? Well I guess he was irish. I hung up and smiled as I made my way to the living room. Charlotte and mom were whispering at the table. When I entered they became quiet and focused their attention on me.

"Sooo. What's up?" Charlotte said. Clearly she and my mom were scheming something.

"Nialls gonna pick me up in 15 minutes." I said biting my bottom lip to keep from smiling like an idiot.

"He must have quite the affect on you if you're already falling for him." Charlotte smirked.

I sighed and walked to the entrance way. I picked up my purse and checked that I had everything. Then I went and sat back at the table.

"So do you wanna hit the art museum first or the history museum?" My mom asked Charlotte.

There conversation continued as I counted down the minutes.

Finally, it was 7:42, I decided to head downstairs. I exchanged goodbyes with Charlotte and mom and hurried to the elevator.

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