Chapter Five

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I just wanted to state, so that no one gets confused, that the Lolais castle and Lolais family are completely fictional and made up from my mind. So please don't think this is real. Enjoy!


"Welcome to Lolais Castle!" Niall smiled as a slight dimple popped up on his cheek.

My breath hitched in my throat.

I took in the view before me. A beautiful castle that was old beyond years stood before me. It was partially in ruins but tents and other buildings surrounded it, making the place more modern and touristy. Several people were walking around the area and exploring.

"This is sort of a history museum, it's not that much of a real castle anymore. But they have exciting events and things to explore." Niall stated as he stood beside me and we looked out on the land.

"Sounds fun." I said looking up at him and brushing a strand of hair that had fallen out of my bun back.

He looked down at me and smiled, biting the corner of his mouth. "Shall we?" He asked.

We walked forward and paid the entrance fee. Then Niall led me into the entrance of the castle.

"Wow." I stated looking all over the entrance hall. High stone walls surrounded us and different hallways, doors, pictures, and plaques scattered the room.

Niall led me to one plaque and started reading.

"This castle belonged to the ancient Lolais family back in the 1600's. The family was known for being kind and wealthy. Sometime in 1696, the castle was found abandoned and the family had disappeared. There was never any evidence of what happened to the Lolais's. The castle was preserved as a historical building and is used to remember the Lolais family and what they did for Ireland in the 1600's." Niall finished reading and turned to me.

"I've always been interested in the Lolais family. They're we're peculiar and everything surrounding them was a mystery, but they helped shape Ireland. There's an old legend that an evil force pulled the family into the ocean and drowned them. Once they drowned in the evil ones grip, they went to hell."

"Oh my gosh." I said, raising my hand over my mouth.

"It's just a legend but it's quite intriguing. Irish persons tend to be story tellers, we believe in lots of the fairytales and supernatural mysteries." Niall said.

We explored the rest of the castle together and I learned more about the Lolais family. All of the family members had red hair and green or blue eyes. They seemed dark and peculiar, but the things they did for Ireland was extraordinary. There was something about them. The way they were so mysterious and stern-looking but yet kind to the people.

As we neared the end of our exploration, Niall spoke up. His accent was just so damn beautiful every time he spoke. "I'm hungry." He said smiling and rubbing his tummy.

"I'm hungry as well." I said, smiling at his cuteness.

"What for?" He asked, as we made our way to the gravel parking lot.

"Anything really." I replied.

"Fish and chips?"

"Sounds great."

We got into the car, Niall still helping me of course, and put our seat belts on. I brushed back my hair and applied some Chapstick from my bag. Niall watched me silently with an intrigued look on his face.

"You're really beautiful." He said pretty much out of nowhere. Once he said it, he started the car and cleared his throat.

"You're really handsome." I said. Butterflies and nerves washed through my insides.

He laughed lightly and thanked me.

My phone started ringing and I checked the screen as Niall pulled out of the parking lot.

It was Charlotte.

"Hey Hun, what's up? Your mom and I just ran into Oliver. They hit it off great." She said excitedly.

I sighed. "Oh good, that's great." I said plainly.

Niall looked at me for a second and continued driving.

"Yeah! We're all going to lunch now." Charlotte said. She either ignored or didn't recognize the fact that I wasn't all to happy about this 'Oliver' and my mom.

"What about you and Niall?" She cooed loudly.

Niall must of heard her or something because he laughed and then swallowed hard, focusing on the road.

"Um, yeah, we're going to lunch too. We just got done visiting a castle. The history surrounding it was really amazing." I said.

"Sounds cute as hell. He took you to a castle? Wish a man would do that for me." Charlotte laughed.

"Well, I have to go."

"Kay, bye Em."

I hung up the phone and placed it back in my bag.

"Was that your friend?" Niall asked laughing. "She's quite loud."

"Ugh, yes. She always has been." I said.

We arrived at a restaurant and ate fish and chips. He ate so cutely. I don't know how else to explain it.

We spent the some time at a park afterwards, drinking lemonade and viewing the passers and nature.

Suddenly, Niall got a message on his cell. He pulled it out of his pocket and read the screen.

Looking alarmed he said "I have to go."

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