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"May the most talented Win"

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"May the most talented Win"

The few members of scooby gang were currently in the class, the members were Elena, Stefan and Primadonna. Primadonna looked at the empty seat beside her and thought that she hadn't seen Bonnie from a long time.

"This week, we're gonna set aside our regular curriculum." alaric closed the classroom door and walked in, "for a lesson in local history as we approach founder's day. apparently the community leaders feel that's more important than world war ii. but, hey, what do i know?"which made the class chuckle a bit.

" Well, maybe we can take it as a break? And I am sure you know more then them, Professor, anyways this will get over soon" Primadonna replies, which Alaric sigh and say "Hopefully it does."

Just then the doors of the class opens, and Bonnie comes in, which is like a good shock for all the three members from the gang, she sits back down in her seat, Primadonna then taps her shoulder and smiles, Bonnie gives the smile back and then she looks back Elena and Stefan too, she smiles at Elena but decided to ignore Stefan.

As soon as the class had gotten over, Bonnie left the room, Which made Elena and Primadonna miss the chance to talk to her

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As soon as the class had gotten over, Bonnie left the room, Which made Elena and Primadonna miss the chance to talk to her.

So they went outside the class and ran towards Bonnie. "Bonnie!" Elena had called for her. Bonnie then glanced back and then looked at them both and said "Hey guys."

Elena and Primadonna then take a bit breath after running after her and then Primadonna said "Hey, we tried to talk to you after class but you had taken off, How are you? How's your family?"

Bonnie then sighed and said "we all are dealing, it's been hard" which made Elena and Primadonna bit sad for their friend.

"Everyone here was really missing you!" Elena said

"Yeah" Bonnie cut in, not feeling up to forgiving elena, "i had so much to deal with after grams' funeral and after you told me the tomb spell failed...i just didn't really wanna come back." bonnie then looked at Primadonna, "thank you for the chocolates you sent. they were good."

𝕻𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖉𝖔𝖓𝖓𝖆 ➥ [𝐓𝐕𝐃] [𝟏] (under hiatus until fully edited)Where stories live. Discover now