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>Primadonna stood next to Stefan's car as Seraphina was inside Primadonna's car, sleeping, Stefan then dragged Dean to his car and opened the trunk "This is a friend I had made, Ivy, now, someone killed her last night so I have to find him, and ki...

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>Primadonna stood next to Stefan's car as Seraphina was inside Primadonna's car, sleeping, Stefan then dragged Dean to his car and opened the trunk "This is a friend I had made, Ivy, now, someone killed her last night so I have to find him, and kill him because he also almost killed my daughter." Primadonna sighed, tired of this whole ordeal. 

Stefan then closed the trunk and looked back at shaken up Dean" Like I said, I need few days off." Dean then slowly said" You should take a few days off Kid."Stefan then replies" Thanks, I will. Now.. Here's what we are gonna do, you are going to take my car to the woods and Bury my friend,and forget that this ever happened got it? Oh, And when I come back, I need a raise." 

Dean follows Stefan's construction as he sits inside his car, Primadonna and Stefan walk upto her car as Primadonna says" You had to ask for raise?" Stefan then chuckles" Not everyone is a Princess Doe, like you." Primadonna then scoffed" Yeah well, not everyone can be me."

And then they sat inside her car and drove away." Where to?" Stefan asks, Primadonna then smiles as she says"dear old Whitmore..." 

As Liam walks off, The smile of Elena's face fades away as she sees the Salvatore Tsimehcla family of three, Stefan holding Seraphina and the adults were leaning on a tree, Primadonna raises her hands and wiggles her fingers at her as she smiles. 

Elena then stammers as she slowly makes her way to them "Pri- Stef- what.. Guys!" and then she runs to them both and hugs them tightly, as if they were about to disappear off again "God! I missed you both so much! You both literally went MIA for like.. Four months!" 

Stefan glanced at Primadonna and then he knew, that she didn't talked to anyone. Primadonna ignored his gaze and smiled at Elena "Yeah well, we are here, and wanted to stop by to say hi" which makes the doppelganger vampire giggle with joy. 

In a small store in Mystic Falls, otherworldly, Damon and Bonnie were shopping in a deserted store and were fighting over the handle, Damon then finally snatched the handle and said "I got it!" Bonnie, defeated, grabbed the list "Okay.... We need strawberries.." which makes Damon agree, and then she continued "Eggs, Flour and - Oh Candles!" she grabbed one from the aisle and placed in the cart. 

Damon then said as he looked at her "I know it's been awhile, but you couldn't do magic as an anchor, so I'm curious what momentary lapse reason makes you think you can do it now?" they turn to a corner into another aisle"You know, when all this started, you sucked at making pancakes but now they're somewhat edible" and then she calls out the next item "Milk."

Damon opens one of the many fridges in a row and grabs a milk carton. "There's no reason to be Peter Pessimist." She heads over to a rack of glasses and sets blue shades on her face with the tag dangling.  "We have proof we're not alone." 

𝕻𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖉𝖔𝖓𝖓𝖆 ➥ [𝐓𝐕𝐃] [𝟏] (under hiatus until fully edited)Where stories live. Discover now