δύο (edited)

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"Telling an introvert to go to a party is like telling a saint to go to Hell."

It was time for the party everyone was excited for, well except Prima, She was always left alone and loose her friends in the crowd which made her feel left out so since few years,she wasn't attending any school parties, which actually made her feel more anxious around others but at least she felt safer now.

As soon as she had reached home from the grill she had ordered food for her, a lot of food,because for some glorious reason, how much the amount of food she ate, she never gained any weight, which was extremely envied by almost all the people in Mystic Falls High.

So now here she was, at the balcony of her room, reading a Novel and eating a margarita cheese crusted pizza with a coca cola to go with it.

'As soon as he saw her face, he knew, he knew that she would be the woman he will bent down on one knee for'  She scrunched her face in discomfort and thought ' "Bent down on one knee for"? Seriously? God how cheesy can these novels be?'"

But deep down she knew that she had such opinion  because of her epic fail of a love life,Which was non-existent.

Prima then closed the book and finished her pizza and drink and was about to go to bed when suddenly she heard a call from her now-cracked phone.

She picked it up and saw it was. 'Elena? Why is she calling me? She never called me while they all were out'

She picked the phone up and asked "Hey Elena,what's up?"

"Hey Prim! What are you doing right now? Are you busy?" Prima then said after a while "Uh no? I mean,I was just reading,I guess?" Elena rhen quickly replied "Perfect! Can you come to the party then?" 

'Why? They never ask..'

"But.. Why? I uh..don't have anything to wear..I guess?.."then she heard Elena sigh and said "Look, Stefan is here, and I feel freaked out, you know?". 'No I actually don't.'

"So...I want you to be here, I know you don't talk much but it's like a habit seeing you almost everywhere, like I would feel so much better if you were here too! It's our first party this year,it will be fun,come on!".. Primadonna contemplated for a while before thinking.

'Fuck it'

"Fine, I will come.. See you!" Then Elena and Bonnie cheered and disconnected the phone call. 'Oh so Bonnie was there too?'

Primadonna sighed as she went to her walk-in closet and saw all the branded clothes her Dad apparently had sent her from the countries he went 'Well, one of them would be handy today.. Hope they aren't tight now..'

She picked a knee-length pastel Blue sundress,a big leather belt and wore brown shoes with them.

She then brushed her hair and turned it into a half-ponytail and left the house and locked it up.Then she picked up her bike and left for The Bon-Fire.

𝕻𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖉𝖔𝖓𝖓𝖆 ➥ [𝐓𝐕𝐃] [𝟏] (under hiatus until fully edited)Where stories live. Discover now