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I had a change of heart about attending classes. I mean it became useless with all the drama and horses that had been going on in my life.

I've focused more solely on making sure what's left of my pregnancy is smoothing sailing. that I don't do anything that could affect my pregnancy and that I am careful with everything that I digest so I'd not risk early labor or affect mine and Tig's baby's healthy in some way.

grant the whole trying to say grounded and calm gets tested every time some pornwhore and crow slut wants to try and ease up on my husband.

They think that just cause I'm heavily pregnant that I won't do something to them. which I won't throw hands or yell at them. I will calmly tell them to fuck off and if they don't listen well then one of two things will happen. they will either get shot or I will stab them. a grand majority of the time they are getting shot so they do try to cheap-shot my stomach.

Now I don't go outta my way just to shoot them to harm them. but I will only tell them one time to fuck off and stop trying to fuck my husband and quit touching them before I stop using my words and use my gun.

half of them had grown a brain or pulled it outta their asses after getting a few bullets in their ass and they learned to not try anything with my husband while there are some that keep testing me and keep starting shit that I'm about to commit a huge crime that would make the sons look like saints.

I've talked to Tig plenty of times. hell I've told all the sons that if they porn whores and crow slut don't stop trying to fuck my husband then there is gonna be one hell of a blood bath in the clubhouse or Lu's porn studio.

 which Tig promised me he'd handle so that I'd not worry or stress myself and body over it. which I told him I'm not stressing I', just about to spend the rest of my pregnancy in prison.

Which Tig didn't like at all but he knew that I would only take so much of their fucking shit before I blew up and then it would be far to late for them to stop what they are doing.

Like today for instance I'm sitting by some of the prospect talking about different things while Chibs and TIg are playing billards when this porn whore and corwslut walked over and started touching Tig in a sexual manner.

I got up and made my way over about to give them a warning before I filled their asses with bullets but Tig beat me to it.

"how many fucking times have you been told to stop fucking doing this shit?" he asked them

"but tiggy" one said

"don't fucking call me that. and don't but tiggy me. My wife has told you all a shit load of fucking times not to touch me. hell she's fucking shot both of you two whores. yet you don't fucky get the hint to stop. so here is what is gonna happen. since you can't do like you were told and you to fucking ignorant to listen. you both are banned from this clubhouse and if you two or any of your fucking whore friends try to harm my wife while she is pregnant or after she has our kid I will hunt you down and I will make you wish your mother never birthed you. now get the fuck outta here"  he told them

they looked appalled that Tig would say that to them but nonetheless done as they was told.

I walked up to him and rubbed his back making him look from their retreating figures to me.

"thank you" I tell him

"I'm not gonna let them or any of their whore friends keep fucking with you and risk serious damage or worse" he says

"I know" I tell him

He wrapped his arm around me while everyone went back to what they was doing before Tig tore into those two's ungrateful ass.

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