stuck with the boring gases... again

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It is a punishment in the facilities to put the particularly social, active, and/or aggressive characters into the extra room they built protruding out of the noble gases' tower. The lack of attention drives them crazy. And for some reason, the teachers think that the nobles' calm attitude would rub off on them. (It won't, probably.)


"Hey... yeah, it's me. Again." Fluorine appeared at the doorstep to the tower at the corner of the facilities. "They thought it would be funny to imprison me to two more months of social isolation. Stuck living in your shitty tower, with no outside contact. My God, I can't tolerate this."

"Ahh, Fluorine. Good to see you again. Whatever did you do this time?" Argon yawns as she looks down from her window, frowning slightly with a twinge of fake curiosity.

"I fought Iron with a frying pan as a weapon." Fluorine flicks her hair back with a hand. "They gave me an earful, like they always do. It's nothing. I've done worse."

"Oh. Did you win?" Helium, in her permanent, extremely irritating head voice, called out.

"Neither of us won, the teachers stopped us and then I got punished while Iron walked away scot free because she licks their boots all the time. I hate all of them, I really do. Hey-"

"Ahh. Coooool." Helium airily stared down at the halogen standing at the foot of the tower for about three seconds, before closing the window as if she had never initiated the conversation. Fluorine looked at the windows again to see if she could catch a glimpse of Argon, but nope. She's gone too. They both argon. Nobody's here. 

See, Fluorine thought to herself, this is why I hate the noble gases. By God, do these people even TRY to acknowledge anyone else's existence? Like, when they do, it's so fake. I'm going to ram my head into a wall now and hope I pass out.

At this point, she knew that she did not need an invitation to enter; the inert gases won't mind whatever she didEven if their rooms weren't soundproofed, Fluorine knew Argon would sleep like a baby during a catastrophic earthquake with raging hailstorms, while groupmates Neon and Helium would probably have a karaoke session atop their tower while a violent and bloody civil war rages among the other elements.

According to Xenon, who was the only person in the group one could even hold a conversation with, (and it was challenging, alright), someone was thrown into the tower after running a devious scheme scamming the other kids of their lunch money. Said devious social manipulator (whose plan, Xenon recounted, was actually pretty ingenious), tried to sneak into Krypton's room one night in an attempt to trick her into believing ghosts were real.

Krypton's response? 'Oh, cool, there's a deformed bloody human figure at the foot of my bed. Noted. I'm going back to sleep.'

Like, the noble gases have never cared about anything. Not holding conversations or mingling socially, not bothering to start on any plans or goals, and not feeling the need to get any homework done, though the teachers don't mind for whatever reason, they're biased because of how utterly low maintenance these kids were. So long as the noble gases have all three meals and a comfortable living space, they continue living as quintessential whatevers. They usually just pretend they care. For roughly two seconds. And they were terrible actors, by the way. 

It was almost enraging to Fluorine. Then again, everything's enraging to Fluorine, the noble gases don't get a medal for being irritating to her.

Along with the fact that their tower is situated far, far away from any activity. The teachers say it's to give them peace and quiet but really, they don't need it. Fluorine can see through them; the distance was for those thrown here as a punishment, but they'd make her out to be a jerk if she complains about it. Urgh.

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