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This part is very much unrelated to the main plot. Still, I feel like characterising more elements: with where Fluorine - our perspective character - is going, there won't be many chances to characterise any of the others in a while.

Also, I wanted to explore a different setting for the same characters without committing to another world.

Sorry to disappoint.

Warnings: Nothing happens to the characters, but the dream sequence contains violence and character death.


"Oh, Sir Iron, courageous knight of Aliametalia!" The healer, Zinc, limped into Iron's arms, sobbing. Her hair had been changed to a stark white, and a gash on her precious face was wet with blood. "The witch is here!"

Terror immediately spills deep into Iron's guts. She remembers the weakness she felt after the last encounter. A feeling of corrosion. Of emptiness. Of rust. Memories flooded back: her discoloured left leg in agonising pain as it slowly flaked away. Zinc had to help amputate it.

Iron's worst fear was to lose all of herself - to die to this horrid curse.

At the same time, an unexplainable thrill creeps up her spine. This is one more chance to prove herself. One more chance to prove to Queen Gold that she is not weak. That she is worthy of the title of knight. One more opportunity to stand up to that depraved Oxygen.

How dare this witch lay her crooked hand on any metal.

"Where?" barks Iron, eyes darkening. 

Zinc shakes her head. "I- I don't know- she... was at the square, the one with the statue of Princess Platinum!"

Iron grips her sword, ensuring it is hooked to her belt. She pushes her fear aside, replacing it with nothing but the desire to kill Oxygen and free the city from her curse. Without thinking, she summons her horse.

"Wait! Iron! Gather our allies! Please, take me, I'll help you!"

"No." Iron stubbornly, stupidly responds. "I am a warrior. I am strong. I will face her alone."

"Your armour won't help; she doesn't fight with a sword and shield. She's a witch! I'll take her magic attacks so you can focus on fighting. Only then will our city even have a chance!"

"You're too injured to be there, Zinc! She'll destroy you!" came the response. "I must prove myself! I must make our Kingdom proud! I. Am. A. Warrior!"

"Let me do this for you!" cries the ever-selfless Zinc. "You promised we'd stick together! At least, find the others to alloy with you. Here, cover yourself with this protective balm to shield from her spells! Iron? Wait, Iron! Iron, please..." Zinc's pleas become distant, replaced by hoofbeats on stone pavement.

The ride to the square is challenging. Screaming and rough footsteps fill the air, a continuous flow of people making their escape as Iron bravely manoeuvres her way upstream. She spurs her horse to go at breakneck speed, and if it weren't for her years of training on horseback, every turn she made would have her colliding with someone or stumbling right off her horse.

Finally, Iron and her steed cross the final street and leap onto the square. 

And there she was - Oxygen. The haughty villainess' curls frame her grinning face, red ribbons flowing over her transparent blue cape as a gloved hand points a staff down at the screaming crowd. She stands atop the statue, one boot atop the sculpture's head. 

"This city has so many electron-rich bodies just waiting to be sucked dry," she sounds, voice teasing and clear as she locked eyes with the petrified citizens below. "So much sweet, untouched metallic prey."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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