Chapter 22: Prisoners of War

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Hayden's army is nearing the Gryphon borders where the Thunderbringer was. The ZDF Euphoria is being accompanied by thousands of ZDF ships ready to defend it and carve a safe pathway to Odynhood Empire.

- Aboard the ZDF Euphoria -

Hayden enters the bridge of the ship in shiny black and gold armor. He approaches Norm and sits next to him...

Norm: Would you look at that praiseworthy armor! What a shame it will soon be covered in Gryphonian blood.

Hayden: Norm, I have entrusted you with Euphoria and its crew. You have satisfied my expectations. Keep it that way.

Norm: I will make sure we successfully arrive at our destination to get rid of those who threaten your grandness, master. Never in the world I imagined I would be flying this thing. This experience produces so much felicity for me.

Hayden: Even a leader and a future emperor like me who is endowed with power and great wisdom needs a right hand man. You are just the right candidate for that position. I see we are drawing near our enemy's territory. It's about time we entered the stratosphere....

Norm: Entered the...what?

Hayden: Our fleet will serve just as a little distraction. We must get through unnoticed. The cloaking functionality of the ship will be put to a test!

Norm: Oh, you are planning a surprise for them. I like that idea. Well, there's no time to waste. Let's increase the altitude then.

Norm makes an announcement and orders the command to take the Euphoria to the stratosphere for the best approach. The ship then starts rising up above before it disappears in the clouds, leaving the fleet behind far beneath it.

Hayden: The Gryphonians are going to think our fleet down there is all we got, but the real army lies within this flying fortress.

Norm: I can almost see that cold void we call space from up here!

Hayden: Our home was there far among the stars. We are going to rebuild everything that we lost that calamitous day...

Norm: I am sorry about the death toll it caused to your race...

Hayden: The inhabitants of this planet will never understand the suffering we've been through and our desperation to survive.

He stands up and gives an order to the command himself...

Hayden: Activate cloaking sequence and maintain the course.

The command activates the cloaking ability of the ship and it becomes completely invisible in the sky, making it impossible to detect.

Norm: Now this is the next level tech I knew we were going to need on our travels when I was in charge of the reconstruction of this ship. Then there are its weapons systems that will bring out the best in it.

Hayden: You have greatly contributed to the reconstruction and major improvement of this ship that only served for transporting purposes once. I trust nobody except you here so now it is yours to command while I fight with my forces on the ground. Once we will enter their metropolis, we will initiate a full-scale attack, primarily on their military sites. I gotta go make sure my army is combat-ready. You will defend this ship with your own life, Norm. If it goes down, you will go down with it.

Norm: I will not fail you. That's not the way I work. Terror and abject failure awaits those who will stand in our way.

Hayden walks out of the command room leaving Norm in charge of the fortress which is safely flying towards its destination while the ZDF fleet confronts the Gryphon forces far beneath it just above the ocean.

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