The Introduction

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The young adult mutant recruits for the CIA were discussing possible code names when they felt a twinge of pain in the back of their heads; their vision going black. They didn't know how long they were out, only knowing they had woken up in a small yet comfortable pile, along with a few other people.

Erik has positioned himself as a wall between the small group that now included Moira and Charles, and the second group that was standing in front of them. The one assumed to be a leader– Shaw, as Erik had called him– stood with a predatory grin, hands clasped comfortably behind his back. 

To say tensions were high would be an understatement while Charles tried to placate Erik's mood and Shaw kept mumbling things about not wanting to hurt them, that they're brothers and they should be a team. Raven held on tightly to Hank's arm as she watched with wide, fearful eyes. Angel and Darwin stood in a similar position, although Darwin stood protectively in front of her, Alex, and Sean. Moira was more or less a sore thumb, doing her best to help Charles calm Erik, although it seemed like she just soured his mood even more. 

Erik was trying desperately to reach for metal, any metal from anywhere but he couldn't feel a thing. There was obviously metal around the room but he couldn't.. couldn't touch it– couldn't feel it. It was like a limb had been torn off, and clearly he wasn't the only one since the other mutants in the room seemed to be trying to subtly use their own powers, of course to no avail. 

As if on cue, someone walked in holding a simple remote and small sheet of paper. They were considerably short compared to everyone, with dirty blonde hair that looked light brown. Their hair was curly and really frizzy despite there being no humidity in the room; in fact the room was comfortably cool. They had forest green eyes that stared at the two groups with clear interest as they walked casually to the front of the room. "Hello," they muttered simply. "I can't make you sit down because I don't don't have powers like the rest of you, but if you sit down I'll explain why you're here." Defiantly no one sat, and the unnamed person simply shrugged. "You'll be watching a series of four movies, including a few recurring people in this room," they started. "It involves mutants and the future of mutant kind, and you'll more or less be viewing small parts of the past and a whole lot of your future." With a small grin they began reading off a seating chart and reluctantly everyone followed exactly that, trying to get as comfortable as they could.

"Throughout the viewing of these films people will be leaving as I invite more people to view their future as well." Standing from where they were seated, the lights began to dim and the screen flickered on, "Try to enjoy yourselves, food and drinks will be provided as well as a small bathroom over there," they gestured broadly to a door, "and your powers won't work in this room so don't even try to fight." 

With that they walked out, an audible click of what was assumed the door locking, and slowly whatever film they had spoken about began playing.

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