A Glimpse of Thought

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Everything was so.. overwhelming, yet underwhelming at the same time. Charles was used to the non-stop voices of those around him, at least he thought he was. Either way he was accustomed to it and while not having them was a relief, it left him feeling empty. The air was tense and he didn't need his telepathy to tell that people were scared and worried. He didn't know how long he had been there, trying to keep Erik from killing Shaw in front of the children, before someone made themselves known. 

They had explained they'd be viewing glimpses of their past and their futures, and kindly began reading off a seating chart for the theater chairs.

He was the first to sit, ironically enough he was the first name called. He sat stiffly in the corner seat of the first row with Erik by his side. Beside Erik was Raven, then Hank, Sean, Alex, Angel, Darwin, and Moira.

Behind him was Shaw, and beside him sat Emma along with Riptide and Azazel. He hated them being behind him but he assumed that the curly haired person would prevent them from attacking. Hopefully. 

He had noticed how the others began to quietly chat as their nerves finally began to settle while they processed the situation. Charles himself turned to Erik, clasping his hand down on Erik's in a small show of comfort. He didn't need to verbally ask if he was okay to get a tense nod from the taller male, before their collective focus was brought to the screen as it began to display images. He could already feel the possible headache he'd have afterwards, as well as whatever possible heartbreak that was to come.

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