Chapter Four: Break In

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Hill Valley Car Impound- 9:21PM
"Vroom vroom!!!" The truck flew forward, blasting into the locked chain link gate.

The gates flew open, the locks flying off. The tires squealed as Marty twisted the truck, pulling it to an abrupt halt.

"Lets get outta here! Quick!" Marty shouted.
They all jumped out, Marty's headlights shining on a car covered in a sheet.

Marty ran his hand across the sheet that covered the old DeLorean.

"I've missed this thing." He said to himself.

Marty slowly uncovered the DeLorean.

*The same music that played at the initial introduction of the DeLorean played*

"Beautiful." Marty stated before ripping off the sheet, revealing a new looking, sleek DeLorean with the "OUTTATIME" license plate on the tail of the DeLorean.

Everyone gasped at the sight of the old but newly manufactured car.

"Grab tools, give them to Brady here. Lets see what this mechanic can do." Marty stated.

"Where are they?" Dawn asked.

"Check the bed of the truck!" Marty stated. The little girl sprinted around the truck, pulling the lever and dropping down the back of the truck.

"Shit." Tiff thought as she was only covered by the sheet in the back which now fell down on her.

"Hey!" Dawn shouted as the sheet covered her.

"What is it Dawn!?" Brady asked.

Scott ran around to the back of the truck to spot Tiff Tannen uncovering herself from the sheet.

"What in the hell?" Scott asked.

He and Dawn each grabbed an arm, pulling her around to the front of the truck. Dawn also grabbed the tool kit.

"What in the-!?" Brady asked.

"Tiff Tannen!?" Marty shouted.

"They never change." He said, bewildered.

"She was recording it all." Scott said, handing over her phone.

"Tiff..." Maddy said, staring at Tiff Tannen who gritted her teeth.

"What was the point of this?" Maddy asked Tiff while Dawn handed off the toolkit to Brady.

"We don't have time for this. Lets take a look at this Brady." Marty said, lifting the hood of the DeLorean.

"Let me go." Tiff grinded.

"It's fine. Let her go." Marty said as Scott and Dawn released.

"Tiff. I know you're putting on this tough girl act but you don't have to." Maddy said gently.

"So you think I'm just gonna let this slide? Let everyone think I'm crazy like everyone thought my grandfather was crazy for years? He saw that damn time machine move at least three times. 1955; 1985, and several other times in which he claims he saw the car under THAT sheet." Tiff spat.

"I know. I know Tiff. But.. maybe if you know. You could go see your grandfather...let him know he's not crazy. At least he can have that." Maddy spoke gently.

"Look." Maddy said, pulling up her sleeve showing cuts on her wrist.

Scott and Dawn were in shock.

"Tiff. I saw these same marks on your wrist during our fight today. Please Tiff I know you have feelings and a heart in there and you heard everything. This means everything to those two kids next to you." Maddy begged.

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