Chapter 4

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So it's currently friday morning. My mom made plans for me to meet Scarlett  this Saturday and well I told Amelia.

She decided to make a thing out of it. So today I'll be going to her house. Well not just me. Myself, Jenny, and MJ for a sleepover.

And then tomorrow I suppose to have lunch with Scarlett. According to Amelia rose is home so it won't be that awkward. Am I ready for this situation, no.
Am I going to do it? Yes.

We actually have a chemistry test right now and I completely forgot about it. But the perks of having Bruce Banner as a dad is that he taught me things at a very young age, according to him I should have a PhD or 5. He physically tested my brain for it. Like university type questions and stuff... the things prodigies would do. Anyways point is, I got this in the back. Amelia though. She's stressed! And she studied all night.


"Okay it wasn't that bad. I think I'll just make an A or if not a B+ for the lowest." Amelia really takes her work seriously, I wonder if she wants to be a doctor.

We headed to music class. Apparently we get to spend a lot of time here for the next 2 months because there's the talent show coning up. I didn't sign up but Amelia and Jenny did. Did I mention that Jenny actually attends this school but leaves for 3 months every year to be with her dad in Spain. It's good to have her back.

Jenny was on the side stretching getting ready to dance.  Mj was MIA,Ned and Peter were somewhere out back painting props and stuff while I was with Amelia at the piano. She was tense. I could tell by the way she played. So I closed the piano.

"Okay miss ma'am speak."

"Well liz keeps questioning if she's a terrible mom and if she can do this. On multiple occasions she asked if i preferred to be with Sam and Crystal back in Africa. And every time i reassure her thats she's doing good and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else, i feel like i make it worse. Her anxiety got so bad its worrying.  She even stressed so much that she told the world that I'm her kid on Wednesday" I saw that.  Liz looked like her heart was about to burst in the interview.
"Now thats fine and all. But people found my Instagram and my phone won't shut up. And some things aren't good things being said. And i can't tell Lizzie because well shes stressed enough as it is. Her first marvel movie. Her first kid she has a lot to deal with. So i wrote a song called 'I'll stay' and then i still gotta figure out my second song because Apparently I'm the closing act for the show"

Okay that was a lot. I opened the piano and took a seat next to her.

"Ill play and you can sing" she looked at me confused

"You can play?"

"Yup. I play other instruments too but for now let's focus here and get the song perfected."

She nodded. I played and she sang.

"And I'll stay with you i see new colors and I'llstay today until forever-"

We finished up school and headed to Amelias house.
The last time I was here her mom dropped her tray.

When we got there Elizabeth  opened the door, apparently Amelia forgot her keys. She's lucky her mom is home and not onset. We greeted each other awkwardly. Slightly. Not as bad as the first time

When we got inside I saw a tray of refreshments on the table. I picked up a glass of what seemed to be lemonade

"Hey would you look at that, the glass made it to my hand this time " I laughed and I swear I saw Elizabeth turn red.

" Yea.i, I left it on the table i have reason to believe they plotting their revenge against me" she laughed.

" what would you girls like for lunch and supper."

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