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They were in each others arms lying on the bed. Karan was doing something on his phone and Teja had kept her head on his chest trying hard to sleep.

She was thinking how fast the night changes. She never thought that he was in love with her nor his behavior showed it. But how today he expressed was making her heart happy and heart content.

She was thinking if he would not have initiated how she would have told him about their baby who is growing inside her. She was just happy having two person in her life whom she would love the most for the rest of life.

She was not able to sleep while thinking so much about this day and her life. She was moving sometimes on her right side and again back on Karan's chest.

It's was almost more than forty minutes she was doing this. And Karan had asked her to sleep more than twenty times but her sleep was no where to be found. She had no sleep in her eyes.

"Teju baby sleep its already 12" He said and she shook her head. "Why?  He asked and she sat on the bed keeping his hand on her stomach "Mumma and baby wants to have conversation with Papa"

He looked at her. "By baby you mean our baby or this cute baby sitting infront of me" He said pointing towards Teja who was making the cutest face ever. She was pouting by now poking her finger on Karan's hard chest.

"Hauu. I'm not a baby. I have our baby growing inside me and the baby is asking to take a little care of mumma" She said playing with the botton of his shirt.

"Who said I don't care. I'm asking you to sleep because I care for you" He asked.
"You do but i want more. I want a lot of love because I have to share it with our baby" She replied.

"I know and you have one but i have two babies. And they both are my life and peace. So can I have a little peace in my life?" He asked. "Yes you can have it" She said laying over him.

"Sleep now" He caressed ber hairs.

After few minutes she looked at him by tilting her head a little. "What" He asked. "I want butter chicken tomorrow" She demanded. "Okay you can have it" He replied and she kept her head back on his chest.

Again after few minutes she looked at him but this time his eyes were closed. She was staring at her and now started playing with his beard.
He opened his eyes and looked her.

He raised his eyebrows asking what's it. "I wanted to ask something. Can I?" She said.
He nodded his head. "You wore blue colour suit today. You knew it is my favorite colour?".

He smiled a bit "I wore it for you but didn't know if it was your favorite" He said in his sleepy voice. "Ohh. You were looking handsome" She compliment and again went back to her position.

"Karan" She said softly and hummed as a reply.
"I love you" She said and looked at him again.
"I love you too" He said softly placing a kiss on her forehead. And she kissed his chest twice.

Teja slept while Karan was still caressing her hairs. When he felt she had slept. He kept his hand on her waist.

"I won't let you be happy with Tejasswi" Anya's statement was continuously coming in his mind. How much he try to not think about it but he can't.

"I won't let you go anywhere. Not this time" He said and closed his eyes when tears left his eyes.

In the morning, Teju woke up first caressing his cheeks. His grip on her waist was very tight. She tried to get off but he didn't let her. She was now staring at him as she didn't have any other option.

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