Act Like A Monster

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Miraculous Digimon Ep- Act Like a Monster

   A quiet serene day in Paris. Sky blue as can be. People happy and care free. The smell of baked goods in the air. Oh look there's something else in the air. It's Chat Noir.
  With a scream and a crash the hero of Paris landed harshly on top of a car leaving a vaguely cat shaped dent.
  "Ugh way to go Adrien." He grumbled to himself. "We can finally add getting mauled by a giant teddy bear to our memoirs." He flipped back up to his feet as the monster of the week smashed its way through Paris' streets.
  The giant yellow teddy bear marched forward an endless cloud of brilliant blue heart shaped bubbles streaming from his back.
  "Chat! You ok dude?" Carapace called landing nearby.
  "I'll be fine as long as the image of me getting punted by teddy zilla here doesn't make it on the lady blog." The hero waved off the damage and raised up his digivice. Getting beat by a villain like Dark Blade or Rogercop was one thing but getting soccer balled eight blocks by a mammoth stuffed bear was not gonna fly with this feline.
"Oh yeah!" In a flash the tiny feline quintupled in size and tackled the massive Monzaemon.
  For its part the fluffy and friendly looking bear did not relent in the slightest as Meicrackmon slammed into it. Claws dug into cement as they wrestled back and forth.
  "It's so soft but so sturdy." Meicrackmon huffed.
  "Ugh all these stupid bubbles! Are we sure the akuma isn't the Bubbler?" Queen Bee grumbled swinging by with Honeybeemon flying along side.
  "I'm literally right here!" Nino complained.
  "Oh yeah that is you isn't it... haha." Chloé's laughing made Carapace miss his footing and get clobbered by the teddy bear.
  "Focus gang this bear isn't hibernating just yet." Ladybug dove in spinning her yo-yo to pop the bubble barrier.
In a flash the flower giant erupted into its adorable pixie ultimate form.
  "Have no fear Lillymon is here!" The Digimon triumphantly called raining fire on the enemy.
  A wall of sapphire bubbles took the brunt of the flowery blast but Monzaemon still faltered from the attack.
  "Where's the Akuma?" Ladybug called out.
  "I got eyes on him!" Rena Rouge answered circling the block looking for a way through the bubble wall. "There on Pooh bear's back."
  Ladybug locked eyes with the tiny form of Despair Bear hanging from the zipper on Monzaemon's back.
  "Alright let's hit this guy where it hurts! Rena Rouge!"
  A beautiful flute solo echoed through Paris. "Mirage!" Rena called summoning an army of Queen Bees to appear on the buildings and streets around Monzaemon.
  "Ugh you make yellow look drab."
  "You're pathetic."
  "Don't touch me!"
  The army of Chloé's drew the ire of the possessed bear like waving a red flag in front of a bull.
  "Chloé!" Despair Bear snarled whirling around trying to smash all of the Chloés. When this failed he unleashed a massive storm of bubble hearts! The swarm of bubbles explode against anything they touch as the teddy bear began to exude an aura of anger. If this continued for too long it might digivolve and then things would be very out of hand.
  "Kyubimon Gwappamon!" Ladybug shouted.
  "Fox Tail Inferno!" Kyubimon fired a barrage for flames that popped some of the bubbles.
  "DJ Shooter!" Gawappamon piled on sending a wave of CD's to explode another chunk of hearts leaving a hole in Monzaemon's defenses.
  "Shelter!" Carapace slammed his shield on the street and a large hexagonal bubble formed behind Monzaemon's legs.
  "Honey stinger!" Honeybeemon dive bombed the ultimate digimon striking its right leg and taking it right out from under the beast which toppled backward hitting the shield and tripping! Yo-yo and top wrapped around the teddy bear's arms.
  "Now pull!" Ladybug shouted as she and chat, and Queen Bee and Rena Rouge, both pulled on the two strings yanking the bear backward making it topple over and threaten to crush its akuma master.
  "No no no noooooo!" Despair Bear cried as its puppet was felled.
  "Lucky charm!" Ladybug cried summoning a rubber ball into her hand. In an instant she knew exactly where to throw bouncing the ball off two walls and a car so it struck Despair Bear and threw him into a trash can as Monzaemon fell to the ground with a soft thud.
   Carapace pulled Despair Bear from the trash and tore the doll in two releasing the akuma and the tiny Jean-Jacque who fell to the ground.
  "Time to de-evilize!" Ladybug snatched up the Akuma with her yo-yo and threw her lucky charm in the air returning the city to normal as the heroes all arrived and reconvened on the roof tops nearby.
  "Pound it!" The gang all recited before noticing that Ladybug was not a part of the customary act of celebration. They all turned to the heroine who looked at them with crossed arms.
  Or rather at one of them.
  "Chlooooeeeeee!" Ladybug's tone made Queen Bee wince.
  "Yes Ladybug?" She skipped forward trying to look innocent.
  "Care to explain why your butler was akumatized again?" Ladybug tapped her foot impatiently.
  "Don't blame me!" Chloe stated offended. "Blame my mother."
  Ladybug rolled her eyes. "And what did your mother do?" She asked knowingly.
  "Raised me to be a terrible person." Chloe pouted.
  Carapace audibly snorted then immediately tried to turn it into a very fake cough as he saw Ladybug glare at him.
  "I'm sorry Ladybug." Queen Bee sighed detransforming back to normal Chloe. "I've been a bit stressed the last few days and may have taken it out on Jean-Jerry."
  "Taken it out how?" The heroine arched a brow.
  "I may or may not have fired him." Chloe felt Ladybug's eyes boring into her. "Three times." More glaring. "In an hour."
  Ladybug pinched the bridge or her nose trying in-vain to relieve pressure to the growing headache in her mind.
  "Chloe I thought we were passed all this."
  "I said I was sorry!" Chloe put on her best pout and to Ladybug's own disgust she found herself actually feeling sorry for her.
  "Whats got you so stressed girl?" Rena Rouge asked trying to break the tension.
  Chloé curled in a little and looked away, the group could tell how reluctant she was to share this which was odd because if there was one thing Chloé Bourgeois loved it was to talk about herself.
  "Come on Chloé part of being a hero is helping people that includes you, let us help." Chat gave his brightest smile and the other heroes lightened up enough to give there's as well.
  Chloe looked around at them and eventually smiled too.
  "It's stupid I'm just kinda worried because my half sister is coming to live with us tomorrow." Chloe explained.
  "Oh is that all?" Ladybug scoffed then the words caught up to her and the others.
  At once four hearts skipped a beat followed by the equivalent for four digimon that looked like they might lag out.
  "Half sister?!?" Rena gasped in horror.
  "You mean there's another Chloe out there somewhere? Dear god." Carapace fell to his knees.
  "This is my nightmare." Ladybug paled so much she made Chat Blanc look like Chat Noir.
  "How nice I didn't know you had a sister." Chat Noir smiled the only one unaffected by the news.
  "Really feeling the love guys, thanks." Chloe glowered at the heroes who were all having panic attacks. "She lived in New York until recently and after the Friendship week fiasco my mother thought it would be best to bring her here where she could be with family."
  "That trip to New York did get out of hand." Chat noted.
  "Yes and who's fault was that?" Ladybug glared.
  Chat gave an awkward smile and scooted away.
  "Why is your sister coming making you so stressed Chloe?" Ladybug asked putting a hand on her friend's shoulder.
  Chloe got immediately reassured and smiled. Ladybug just had that effect on her. Not for any particular reason of course just ... mutual respect. Yes that's it.
  "I just want to make a good impression but I don't really know what that is anymore, all my life I've been... ridiculous and I just don't want her to think I'm like... the old me." Chloe admitted quietly.
  "Chloe you're so much more than that, you're a hero a true hero, you've made mistakes but you owned up to them and worked to be better and you have, I think I would know." Ladybug winked.
  Chloe giggled and nodded. "I guess, you're right I'll help her get use to Paris and make sure she doesn't feel left out."
  "Good." Ladybug glanced sideways as her ear rings beeped again.
  "Time to go, miraculous everyone." The guardian quickly recollects the other charms and leapt away.
  "Uh Chloé." Alya spoke up as Ladybug left.
  "What Cesaire?" Chloe scowled.
  "How do we get down from here?"
  Chloe looked around at the random roof they'd been left off on.
  "... DADDYYYYYYY!!!"

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