Digital Partners

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"So that's the situation Marianne, do you have any idea what's going on?" Marinette made it back to her room before she called up the former miraculous user. She was the only person she could think of to ask.
"Hmm this is concerning, I can think of two possibilities as to why the lucky charm didn't disappear and neither is particularly sound." She paused as if mulling over still just what to say.
"Please Marianne, I have to make sure this doesn't cause too many issues, the city is down an entire power station because I couldn't repair everything. Thank god there weren't any major injuries caused by the attack." Marinette was beside herself. Her first stop after leaving the scene of the battle was to refuel then swing over to Alya's. She gave her bff reporter the scoop on why Paris wasn't repaired and apologized profusely allowing the Ladyblog to spread the word. She then swung home as fast as she could already bordering on exhausted to call Marianne, her only source for miraculous information at the moment.
"The way I see it there are two options. The first is that you've attuned to the Ladybug miraculous enough that you aren't just making lucky charms anymore, you've gained enough control of the power of creation you're now making solid constructs, but this wouldn't inherently mean you couldn't use the miraculous power to fix things... which leads to the other option, which is honestly the more concerning." The woman paused again. Marinette could practically see the stress in her face.
"It could mean that whatever problem you summoned the charm to solve... isn't over."
Marinette gulped, this was already beyond anything she'd experienced so far. To think there could be more.
"But I won, we won. We destroyed that thing and stopped the portals." Marinette bargained.
"I hope you're right. In the mean time I'll call up my guardian contacts and see if I can't research this Datamon and whatever it is." The old hero stated.
"Thank you, you're a big help." The student smiled and took a breath. "How's Master Fu?" She finally asked.
Marianne gave a light laugh. "We're doing fine. Catching up on lost time."
"I'm glad." Marinette lit up. "Say hi for me."
"I will, be careful out there I'll get back to you as soon as I know anything."
They said their goodbyes and Marinette flopped down on her bed.
"Ugh Tikki even Marianne didn't have any idea what that thing was today." Marinette dragged her hands down her face in annoyance. A freaky monster showed up, apparently not connected to the miraculous, did some freaky shit, then was destroyed under just as disturbing circumstances.
"You should get some rest Marinette, you've been burning the candle at both ends and two major fights in two days always wears in the mind." The kwami floated over to pat her chosen's head.
"But I still have so much to do." Marinette complained. She tried to sit up but a red and black spotted teddy bear plopping on her face forced her back down.
"No way, because of all the stuff that happened today anything you had to do can easily be marked down as delayed due to disaster, get some rest you deserve it."
Marinette surrendered to the more mature beings advice and laid back drawing up her covers. "Fine fine I get it." She yawned the longer her head rested on the pillow the faster her brain began to haze over.
"But don't let me... over... sleep."

"Should we wake her?"
"Let her rest, we don't wanna spring anything on her."
"But I'm so excited, I've never met a human before."
"They are very interesting, and Marinette's a catch for sure."
"Eeee I wanna wake her."
"No." -slap- "let her rest."
Marinette heard all this through her still sleep riddled mind. She recognized Tikki's voice but the other. Her eyes didn't want to open and her body rebelled with every attempt to even roll over but Marinette's critical mind took over and she began to awaken.
"Tikki who are you talking to?" She muttered stifling a yawn. "Did you let all the kwami out to play again." Her eyes slowly focused as she sat up lightly and she came face to face with a very unfamiliar stuffed animal. A strange melon shaped gyroid with three holes in its pink head and a little propeller on top. A propeller that was spinning... and keeping the stuffed animal airborne. Something about that thought caused Marinette's mind to fully awaken and she blinked rapidly.
"What the?"
"Hi it's nice to meet you!" The stuffed animal that was not a stuffed animal quirked it's odd face into a happy expression and Marinette promptly screamed and fell out of bed with a loud thud.
"Oh dear." The floating creature winced.
"I told you she wasn't ready." Tikki sighed watching her chosen flail madly.
"Wha wha what are you?!?" Marinette shrieked.
"Of course it's time for my introduction! I'm Lalamon! I'm your partner Digimon!" The creature Lalamon lightly tapped its chest in a proud fashion, or where it's chest would be if it weren't some odd flying vegetable.
"D-D-Digimon?!? That's what that Datamon thing said you're one of them?!?" Marinette crawled backward flush against her wall.
"Oh I'm nothing like that big jerk." The sentient plant puffed itself up to look imposing but it just looked more ridiculous.
"Lalamon showed up while you were sleeping, if she was bad she would have attacked, she's here to help." Tikki stayed whimsically floating over to her chosen.
"Wait but I closed the portals." Marinette reasoned. "How did you."
"Well I came through the digivice." Lalamon explained taking the fallen item from the floor and handing it back to Marinette. "With that device we're bonded and you can help me digivolve."
"Digivolve? Why does it sound like you're just putting 'digi' at the beginning of random words?" The confused guardian rubbed her temples.
"Now that you mention it we Digimon do tend to do that." Lalamon floated off seemingly only just now coming to this realization.
Marinette tried to stand up shakily still a little numb from just waking up. She tried to massage feeling back into her legs only to receive soreness from falling out of bed. She grumbled and addressed the less than welcome guest. "You said you wanted to help. Help with what exactly, I already dealt with Datamon and the portals."
Tikki and Lalamon exchange a concerned glance and fly over to Marinette's computer and tap it to turn it on. Almost immediately a news feed appears. The program was something Marinette had found to help keep an eye out for Akumas by monitoring the news. Now it displayed a very different story.
"Don't be bemused it's just the news." Nadia chimed as she appeared on screen except for once it wasn't just Nadia, sitting in her lap was another plant like creature that looked like a happy faced head of lettuce.
"Our top story today, following a mysterious incident at Paris' now destroyed backup power plant, Paris is now infested with strange creatures seemingly called Digimon." an image appears next to her showing various odd looking beasts in various Paris settings.
"Though initially feared to be hostile it now appears most of these strange creatures are rather benign. Like this little fella." She pats the plant creature in her lap and it makes one of the most adorable coos Marinette has ever heard. "Dozens of the Digimon have been sighted all over Paris, most are rather friendly though the mayor has advised that civil services have discovered they are hazardous to many types of technology so be careful not to leave them alone with home appliances for extended periods." Nadia continues to explain the goings on while patting the critter in her lap.
"Manon is going to have a field day with that poor thing." Marinette sweat dropped momentarily but the feelings of pity passed quickly as she took in all that was happening. "This is crazy." She watched in shock. "I closed the portals but my Miraculous Ladybug didn't work so I couldn't send all these Digimon things back where they came from. I didn't know all these things had gotten through." She but her lip watching the footage. Nadia had sugar coated it quite a bit. Though there was clear footage already of humans and Digimon coexisting well there was also lost of images passing by showing a very different tale. She watched a green ogre getting blasted by a fire hose as it swung a large club. Another image showed a huge dragon sleeping under the Arc de Triomphe. The most frightening part though was the vines.
They seemed to sprout from every open water source, the Seine blossomed among its entire length, Marinette made a note to call Luka and Juleka and make sure their family's house boat was ok. She gathered herself as her stomach growled.
"Ugh if I'm gonna deal with this I need dinner first." The young heroine groaned and opened the trap door to her room.
"Ooo yay I'm starving!" Lalamon chimed following her.
"Not you, you stay here I'll bring you food like I do Tikki. I don't want my parents screaming that a monster is in our house." Marinette stated.
"Mmm you might rethink that in a moment." Tikki chimed.
Marinette gave her a quirked look and climbed down the ladder.
"Mom what's for din- WAH!" Marinette yelped at the sight in front of her.
Sabine smiled up at her daughter from the couch, in one hand a cup of tea, the other was rested on the head of another strange creature as it laid next to her like an over sized dog. Which it somewhat resembled, it was yellow with a blue fur coat, a unicorn horn and a strange egg print tattooed on its stomach.
"Hello Marinette, how was your nap?" Her mother took another sip from her cup scratching the creature behind its ear and making its leg kick lightly. Clearly whatever spot she'd found was the right one.
"Mom, what is that?" Marinette gawked.
"Oh this is Gabumon, isn't he the cutest, I found him climbing in the hall window, the silly thing."
"Everything in here smelled so good I had to get in." The happy hound defended between coos of delight.
"You could have used the door deary, we don't judge here." Sabine chuckled at the digital lap dog. "Oh and I see you found one too."
Marinette turned to see Lalamon floating down behind her much to her annoyance.
"Ugh yes this is Lalamon they showed up in my room while I was asleep." Marinette sighed.
"Good to hear, your father was already contemplating how to get you one so we'd all have one." Sabine rolled her eyes.
Marinette on the other hand latched onto part of that statement.
"What do you mean all of us." Marinette groaned.
"Oh go down and see, it's the cutest thing." Sabine giggled and returned to her tea. Marinette left down to the bakery below. She reached the door just in time to here a yelp followed by a whoosh of fire!
"Dad!" Marinette burst through the door.
"Ah we were so close that time." Tom Dupain sighed as he pulled a particular charred line of pastries.
Marinette paused to take in the scene. Her father put a plate of unknown baked goods on the table and turned to his apparent new protege. A literal dinosaur. It looked like a velociraptor with a glandular problem. It's head and claws were over sized but it's eyes shined with a clarity only a sentient being could possess.
"I'll get it this time I promise." The creature grunted turning to the brick oven.
"You can do it Agumon!" Tom cheered as the digital shot a puff of flames into the oven which burst with fire. Tom clad in thick oven mits reached in and pulled out a set of flambéd cakes.
"Ooooo I've always wanted to try this recipe!" Marinette's father was bouncing giddily at the steaming foods. "Oh hello Marinette, how are you doing, wanna try this new Flambé recipe I made?"
"Uh dad, what is that?" Marinette pointed dead pan at the dinosaur ogling the freshly made food like it was the holy grail.
"Oh this is Agumon, he came in following the scent of bread and I just couldn't turn away such a hungry belly." The massive man pouted behind his mustache.
"This is the best food I've ever tasted, are you sure you aren't some kind of cooking god?" The saurian said scarfing down one of the flambé in its comically large jaws.
"Oh stop you'll make me blush." Tom waved the praise away turning rosy.
Marinette's eye twitched and she shut the door fighting a migraine.
"My parents have gone crazy." She lamented sliding down the door.
"It's not their fault." Lalamon giggled floating by. "A human tamer and their Digimon partner bond at first sight. They're destined to be the best of friends." The Digimon smiled in its odd way eyes warped to cartoonish shapes to convey its emotions with no real features.
"So why am I still suspicious of you?" Marinette asked smugly.
"Cause you're more clever than that." The floating flower replied. "But you know I'm here to help, I already helped with Datamon."
Marinette thought back. The portal opening and the beam of sunlight that vaporized the stunned enemy.
"You fired that laser?" Marinette quirked her head standing up.
"Well yes and no, I can only use that attack in my champion form." Lalamon turned away almost embarrassed.
"Champion form?" Marinette was confused again. She was being jumped into more terminology today than most days at school.
"Follow me!" Lalamon and Marinette returned to the latter's room and Lalamon took the marker from her white board and began drawing as Marinette and Tikki sat in observation.
Lalamon pointed to a childish drawing of a sunflower with legs.
"Digimon have many forms, we all hatch from eggs." She pointed to a egg drawing with an eastern like design on it.
"Question." Marinette raised her hand already confused. "How does a plant hatch from an egg?"
"All Digimon hatch from digieggs, it's just how we are, how are you humans born?" Lalamon countered.
"That's a train of questioning we don't have time for, keep going." Tikki interjected.
"OK!" Lalamon returned to her drawings. "Digimon that hatch from eggs are called baby digimon, they stay at the Primary Village until they digivolve and then they move on and form villages across the digital world." Lalamon displayed drawings, dozens of eggs around a massive tree, a village of tiny slime or head shaped things. "Baby Digimon evolve into In-Training level, and when those evolve they become rookie level like me!" Lalamon's next drawing was of itself. Marinette watched each one with the same focus she gave Master Fu's miraculous speeches. "Most Digimon stay at rookie level until they gain more power then they digivolve to champion!" Champion Digimon are made for battle honed by our skills into mighty creatures." Lalamon flexed it's tiny arms but showed no muscle from its plant like fibers.
"This is a lot to take in." Marinette lent back in thought then sat back up abruptly.
"Wait what about 'ultimate'?" Marinette asked remember the taunting words of Datamon as it effortless man handled Chat Noir.
Lalamon revealed another drawing. "But of course! Ultimate is even bigger and stronger!"
Marinette deflated backward as Lalamon continued her lesson.
"I hope Chat is having more luck with this than me."

"Adrien, I've got some concerns." Nathalie stated flatly to Adrien as the latter stood just inside the barely open door to his room.
"Now why would you have those Nathalie?" Adrien asked stupidly.
"Adrien according to the staff chefs you've been eating an inordinate amount of Camembert cheese lately." Nathalie flipped a page on her tablet... then flipped another. "A very inordinate amount."
"I've just had a hankering ya know?" Adrien said trying not to sound too knowing.
"I'm just worried Adrien, I don't want you to compromise your diet or worse contract complications such as constipation or spontaneous lactose intolerance." Nathalie said without looking up from her tablet as she scrolled through various pages.
"I'll be fine Nathalie but if you're really that worried I'll cut back on the Camembert... maybe throw in some tuna for variation." Adrien gave a model smile.
"That should be alright." The Secretary stated.
"Alright well if that's all I have some lessons to study." Adrien gave another smile and closed the door.
"Your addiction is gonna get me in trouble one of these days." Adrien chuckled placing the tray of cheese on the table.
"It's not my fault." Plagg snickered swallowing a chunk of cheese whole.
"Yeah who'd have guessed you'd come across two black cats." Stated the other being in the room. A second pitch black feline sat lavishly on the couch near where Plagg floated and also partook of the offered hors d'oeuvres. The digital being plucked up the finger foods in its puffed out glove like claws while it's tail waved lightly in the air allowing the golden ring on it to glint in the light.
"I don't know how I'm gonna be able to feed two bottomless pits like you but I gotta say the company is a definite bonus." The model stifled a laugh as the two felines jumped around eachother trying to swipe cheese from the other.
"I appreciate the tuna but any food will do, we Digimon are far from picky." The larger black cat noted.
"Good to know cause it's only a matter of time before Nathalie remembers I don't like tuna." Adrien sat at his computer and began his lessons as the two felines continued to leap and float around behind him giving him ample entertainment in the dark reflections of his screen.
"So how do you like your new home Blackgatomon." Plagg asked as he tossed another block of cheese up in the air to catch in his mouth.
"Oh these are way sweeter digs than I had in the digital world." The digi cat remarked swiping the cheese from mid air with a quick lunge.
"There's a whole digital world!" Adrien asked.
"Oh yeah our world parallels yours in many ways, or so I'm told, I don't really pay attention to that stuff, too busy looking out for number one." Blackgatomon purred leaping up on the ledge next to Adrien's workspace.
"So you're Blackgatomon does that mean there's a regular gatomon?"
"Ugh don't compare me to those goodie two claws." The black cat brandished it's tongue in mock disgust.
"Oh are you a bad kitty?" Adrien snickered.
"Careful Adrien just cause you're my tamer doesn't mean I won't give you a knock for that comment." The cat leapt down to the floor and stood up stretching.
"Feisty too." Adrien smirked.
"Would I be your partner if I was anything less?" The cat asked knowingly.
"No way, I could only be partners with a pair of cheese loving fiends." Adrien laughed whole heartedly as the feline duo joined in.

"Ugh this is all so much to take in." Marinette yanked at her pigtails as Lalamon went into her third rant about digivolving to mega level whatever that meant. She was about ready to just go sign herself or never knowing when suddenly the building shook and she rushed to her window to see a dark cloud hovering over the Louvre.
"Saved by the akuma." Marinette cringed at her own thoughts and brushed the hair away from her ear rings.
"Tikki spots on!"
In a flash the tiny god spiraled into the artifact and Marinette's hero suit formed on her body seamlessly.
"Wooooow!" Lalamon gawked in stunned awe. "That was amazing!" The flower Digimon cheered floating around to look at her tamer close up. "You're like a real super hero!"
"I am a super hero." Ladybug stated perhaps a little too smugly.
"Well I dunno about that." Lalamon said with some haughtiness.
"What's that mean?" The heroine questioned.
"Well you might be a hero but everyone knows a real super hero needs a cape!" Lalamon struck a triumphant pose and the Ladybug tried to stifle a laugh.
"Is that so?" She smirked. "Well maybe I'll just have to make myself a cape then." The hero climbed the ladder up to the roof.
"You can do that?" Lalamon perked you following.
"I am a designer as well as a hero." Buginette examined her nails as she tossed her yo-yo into the distance
"Could you make me one? Can you can you?" Lalamon begged.
"Maybe later, first we have a villain to beat."
"Well then you better use this!" Lalamon pointed to the digivice now secured on Ladybug's hip.
"This thing?"
"Hold it up and watch the magic happen." Lalamon's eye holes warped into a smirk.
"Alright! Time to Digivolve!" Ladybug held up the device and radiant light began to cast over Lalamon.


"Lalamon Digivolve to Sunflomon!"
Ladybug gasped in aw as the tiny little Lalamon grew in the light into a giant sunflower with a happy face.
"Whoa! You weren't kidding about champions being very different from rookies." Ladybug gulped.
"We're more than just different in size!" Sunflomon called lifting ladybug onto its back and taking off across the city on its leaf wings.
Ladybug laughed as the wind whipped her hair.
"This is the only way to travel!" She called.
"Oh yeah!"

Adrien looked out his window and saw the distant dark cloud of motion. "Looks like its time to go to work boys." Adrien held up his ring and transformed. "What about you Blackgatomon? Do you need to do that Digivolve thing?"
"I'm already at the champion level nothing around here should be a match for me." The feline noted as they leapt out the window and across the rooftops.

Ladybug and Chat Noir landed in the square at the center of the Louvre followed by their Digimon partners that landed behind them.
"Wow Ladybug I know they say bigger is better but did you have to show off that much?" Chat asked glancing at a Sunflomon.
"I see you found another black cat to join in your puns." Ladybug smirked back at him looking at the feline at his side.
"Oh you're gonna love him he's just as pawsome as me." Chat snickered but before he could capitalize on his pun the culprit of the explosion made himself known. In a burst of feathers and smoke the glass Pyramid erupted and none other than Mr. Pigeon landed on top.
"Ladybug and Chat Noir, we meet again." The akuma snarled.
"Darn I was hoping this might be a challenge so we could show off to our new partners." Chat sighed looking at the ridiculous bird man. "Good thing I took my allergy pills today."
"Give up Mr. Pigeon, you and Hawkmoth both know you can't win." Ladybug called to the villain.
"Maybe I couldn't before but this time will be different." Mr. Pigeon grinned maliciously and blew into his whistle. "I see you've brought some friends, well so have I." Spat the villain as he looked at the Digimon.
"What is it this time, did he call some crows along with the pigeons?" Buginette asked boredly.
"Maybe he stole an ostrich from the zoo." Chat chuckled then a shadow flew over the two of them and they froze. Together they slowly looked up to the akuma as a giant fiery bird the size of a prop plane landed behind Mr. Pigeon. It flapped wings that seemed to be made of pure fire and from
It's freakish fleshy snout erupted a horrifying screech.
"Birdramon!" Mr. Pigeon called gesturing at the heroes below. "Destroy them!"

Author Note: the digivice design I've gone with for this fic is based on the Savers series digivice but don't expect the odds and ends of how things work to follow any one particular Digimon canon as multiple will be referenced. I will also be taking some creative liberty with lines of digivolution to make the most sense with the humans they are partnered with.

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