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"Hiiiiyaaaa!!!" Ladybug's yo-yo sliced through the massive vines encasing the river side building. The unyielding sprawl of otherworldly vegetation had arisen the same instant the Digimon had arrived and like the rest of the damage from that day it had not been restored thanks to the digivice that Ladybug's lucky charm created not disappearing when said hero wanted it to.
Said hero now landed in the street in the early morning as her yo-yo failed to do any real damage to the mass of strange plant life that had crawled it's way out of the river and onto the residential apartment building.
Ladybug looked up at the vines as they repaired all the damage she's done like nothing had happened.
"I don't get it, the Digimon are one thing but these vines have no source." Ladybug sighed. "Sunflomon have you seen anything like this?"
"They're definitely digital but I've never seen them." Sunflomon said a bit embarrassed. The living plant didn't know anything about the strange plants.
"Face it m'lady." Chat chuckled resting his chin on his staff. "When it comes to destruction I'm the clear choice." Chat sauntered over time the wall of vines and raised his clawed hand. "Cataclysm!"
Pitch blackness formed in Chat's hand and he slapped it on the wall of vines. Decay and death ripped up the wall of mystery plant life and with one massive rumble it all fell to dust.
Chat proudly admired his claws until the ground started to rumble even more and a massive storm of vines exploded from the nearby Seine and crawled its way back up the building entirely replacing the vines that were destroyed.
"Great work kitty." Ladybug glared.
"How was I suppose to know it would do that?!?"
"Ugh nothing we've tried works and every time I try to use my lucky charm it just resummons this digivice." Ladybug pulled the device from her hip and looked at it once more it's red and black metal was light almost like plastic but it held a sort of weight, like power itself was stored within and in truth maybe it was.
Ladybug wanted to ponder it more but then she noticed the time blinking on her bug phone.
"Oh crap! Is that the time, I've gotta go! Bye Chat! We'll figure this out later!" Ladybug's yo-yo flew off and lifted her away to the roof tops.
"Ugh I'm gonna be late for schoooool!" Marinette whined as she flew away.

Chat made his exit as well slipping into his room with Blackgatomon and turning back just as Nathalie knocked on his door.
Adrien opened the threshold as the Digimon leapt up to the balcony above and was surprised to find his father's assistant was not alone.
"Morning Nathalie." Adrien looked down at the other being with a grin. "Who's your friend?"
Nathalie looked almost embarrassed as she looked down as the red and white bird like being standing next to her. "Oh uh this is Hawkmon... he won't leave me alone." The Secretary stated.
"If you get a Digimon does that mean I get one too?" Adrien asked with a quirked brow.
"I will ask your father, in the mean time it is time to go to school."
"Of course, lets go." Adrien flung his bag over his shoulder and walked downstairs with the stark woman and her feathered companion. At the front door he was delighted to find the Gorilla was also sporting a new friend, a tiny pink fairy with a red jewel in It's chest clung to the goliath man's shoulder making small cooing noises.
Adrien struggled not to laugh at the sight of the stone cold man being followed by a tiny pixie like some robust parody of Link and Navi.
Together the three now five entered the limo and headed off to the school.

Marinette dead sprinted into school so fast Lalamon was struggling to keep up while flying. Which would have been funny if not for the immediate panic it induced from her realization that the Digimon was still following her!
"Lalamon! Go home you can't come to school with me what if someone sees you!" Marinette chastised.
"But there are already other Digimon here." Lalamon pouted.
Marinette turned around and was shocked to realize the Digimon was right. She was not alone.
Mylene and Rose were giggling over a small plant Digimon that looked like a green turnip with legs. Markov was joined at floating around Max by a flat gear shaped creature. And Alix was skating around with a brown and pink bunny like Digimon clinging to her back using its oversized ears like a wind brace.
Even some of the teachers were accompanied by digital monsters. Principal Damacles was being followed by one of the largest, a human sized owl that looked like it was wearing night vision goggles. The beast waddles after the principal carrying a stack of papers in its wings.
Marinette spotted Alya waving at her and rushed over to the immediate bombardment of questions regarding the Digimon following her.
Meanwhile across the open air school hall Ivan shuffled toward Mylene holding another of his famous songs. This one though was special. He'd written it for their anniversary and was determined to give it to her properly so she could hear every word of his adoration for her.
"Hey Mylene!" He called trying to get her attention but the second he did the quad was suddenly filled with the echoing shockwaves of heavy bass funk!
Nino Lahiffe ever the musician sauntered into the school with a massive boom box on his shoulder spinning on his heel and jiving to the music every few beats to emphasize how engrossed in the music he was. Immediately the entire student body was drawn in as well as the Digimon with them. Even outside across the quad a single turtle like Digimon bobbed it's head to the beat as it laid half asleep against the schools wall.
A blaring tone from the obnoxious device blotted out Ivan's words as he tried to talk to Mylene. The bulky boy turned with a mild glare to the oppressive source of the sound.
"Whoa Nino what's with the boom box?" Adrien asked between ground shaking beat drops.
"Isn't it rad." Nino grinned wide. "My uncle gave it to me when he visited last weekend and he helped me burn a bunch of my tunes onto a CD for it." The turtlish teen hit a button and another of his famous tracks began to blare out. "The way music was meant to be enjoyed, at max volume."
The students laughed a bit then a shrill cry pierced the sound.
Nino muted the tunes as everyone looked up at Principal Damacles.
"Please keep the music down during school young man so as not to disturb classes." He called down. The owl Digimon nodded along with him.
"Sorry du- I mean Principal." Nino shut down the boom box.
Ivan's face cooled back from red to pinkish white and he turned back to Mylene... only to find her skipping off toward class as the bell rang. The large boy clenched his fist but didn't have time to dally. He would simply show his song to Mylene later.
Or so he thought.
Throughout the day Ivan continues to try to deliver his verse to his sweetheart but every break in the day was greeted by Nino once again hogging the airwaves with his boom box. With each lost opportunity Ivan's rage built until the breaking point approached.

Below the Agreste manor a spiraling shutter opened and butterflies fluttering in the light.
"Aww an old classic." Hawkmoth's twisted grin was accented by the clack of metallic claws on the floor. Dinobeemon waves it's arms turning a butterfly into a digivice and back again.
"With a new remix." The digimon chortled. Hawkmoth clasped the insect between his hands and darkness enclosed it.
"Fly my akuma and evilize him once more!"

Ivan huffed loudly glaring at the offensive sound machine that was vexing him so. He wanted to smash it with his bare hands even as Nino moon walked with it on his shoulder. The other students jubilant laughter almost made Ivan pause but not for long as he locked onto Mylene also huddled in the crowd. His rage built again just as the akuma flew into his paper note.
"Stoneheart, it's been a while, I see your passion is being withheld by a deafening annoyance. I give you the power to silence that annoyance in exchange for Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous." Hawkmoth's voice whisped in Ivan's mind like black silk. "And as an added bonus." The villain chimed in. Ivan looked down into his other hand as a digivice formed. "I've given you the ability to tame a Digimon to your side and add its power to your own." Ivan gripped the device and snarled.
"Yes Hawkmoth."

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