Chapter Ten

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Derek ran his hands up my body to tweak my nipples before trailing the tips of his fingers down my stomach and along my inner thighs, moving closer and closer, but never touching where I wanted him to.

I bucked my hips, telling him exactly what I wanted, so aroused by him and his teasing torment that I would do nearly anything to have him inside of me, bringing me the sweet release my body demanded.

"Not yet, angel. I have plans for you," he whispered in that dark velvet voice, sending even more heat to my molten core.

I wanted to beg, but his mouth took mine before a single word could leave my lips. His kiss not only preventing my speech, but actually robbing me of it until I was nothing but putty under his expert hands.

I'd always enjoyed sex, the feelings and emotions, the pleasure and even the bit of pain that could accompany it; the intensity of the connection formed between me and my partner was unrivaled by any other possible shared experience.

But sex with Derek blew every past experience out of the water. The way my body responded to his every touch, his every word, was beyond my wildest expectations. The way he took me so high up into the clouds that I was practically having an out of body experience as he drove me higher and higher into a realm of pleasure I hadn't even known existed.

He plied me with the most exquisite combination of light and intense touches, alternating constantly, never staying in the same place or at the same pace long enough for me to make it over the edge.

"Please," I begged, the only word I even knew at that point.

"Please what?" he growled, but he was finally taking off his boxers, finally lining his erection up with my soaked core, before pausing as he stared down at me with burning intensity, waiting for my answer.

"Please. Just please," I cried, trying to impale myself on him, but being held back by that imperious hand holding me down, keeping me from the thing I needed most.

"Tell me you're mine." He nipped my stomach.

"I'm yours," I sobbed.

"Tell me you'll never leave me." He nipped the underside of my breast.


"Tell me you love me." He pulled my nipple into his mouth, playing with the tightly beaded bud, licking and nipping at it, sending electrical pulses through my nerve endings and building that ball of fire into an absolute conflagration.

"I love you," I said desperately, the words ripped from my very soul, and he thrust his thick length into me, taking me up over the edge and shattering my world in just a single thrust; sending me to the stratosphere and causing waves upon waves of pleasure to thrum through me as I screamed his name.

And sat up in bed. Alone.

Holy shit.

My body was actually throbbing from my very real dream and I took several calming breaths before swinging my legs over the side of the bed and making my way to the bathroom.

A few splashes of cold water made me feel a little more awake and a little less horny, but it didn't help the confusion swirling in my brain. It had felt so real. Terrifyingly real. I...loved him? I couldn't love him. I didn't even know him.

There was a part of me that believed otherwise, that knew him in a way I couldn't comprehend. A part of me that truly loved him. But how was that possible? How was any of this possible?

I needed answers. I needed to know more about myself and what was happening to me. To him. How it was possible for him to keep me out of his head while I couldn't seem to keep him out of mime. How I could feel such an attachment to him without knowing him.

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