Chapter Twenty-Six

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No, this day would indeed never end. I sighed my annoyance and stared out the car window.

After the interviews—five of which went well, two of which didn't—we went out so I could hunt. I'd only been confined to the whole, don't-go-out-alone-thing for less than a day and I was already chafing at the restriction. It was stupid because I knew that I was only bothered by it because it was a rule, not because I actually minded being accompanied everywhere I went. I sighed again.

Actually, I enjoyed the company and probably would've made sure someone was going with me anyway. But since I didn't have a choice in the matter, I was super annoyed. Another sigh.

"One more sigh and I'm tying you to the bed and spanking you until your ass is on fire," Ira growled out threateningly, his hands tightening on the wheel as we pulled into the mall's parking lot.

My very physical response to his words surprised me. "I might like that," I replied with a mischievous smirk.

Ira glanced at me in surprise, his anger forgotten as his eyes searched my expression, darkening when they found that I wasn't joking. "Would you now?" he asked suggestively.

"Maybe. I don't know for sure, but the idea does have me curious."

"We'll have to see what we can do to satisfy that curiosity later on."

The heat intensified. "Sounds like a plan to me."

He found a parking spot and we went into the mall together. "Would you mind if we stopped by a few stores?" I asked, feeling a little self-conscious about the one store I was most interested in.

"Not at all. Where would you like to go first?"

"Uh, could we just meet at the cafeteria in half an hour?"

Ira shook his head. "I'm sorry, Ri, I can't—won't—risk something happening to you." He stopped us both and tugged me into a secluded corner. "I wanted to wait for the perfect moment to tell you this but, the reason I can't risk losing you is...I love you, Riley."

I reached up and wrapped my arms as far around his neck as I could reach. "I love you too, Ira, and I can't imagine a more perfect moment than this one," I told him, lifting my chin to indicate what I wanted.

He leaned down and captured my mouth with his, tantalizing and teasing my lips, the unhurried pace driving me crazy as he made me feel his love with every touch, every moment he spent tempting and enticing me.

I couldn't wait to go home.

"I just need a few minutes to shop alone. Please, Ira," I begged when we broke the kiss and I batted my eyelashes at him. Doing everything in my power to sway him to my will.

"Fifteen minutes and we meet. Not a minute longer, got it?" he capitulated, looking more than a little unhappy about it.

I squealed with glee and hugged him. "Thank you! I promise I won't be late. In fact, I'll do my best to be early."

"I'll be waiting for you," he warned and strode away.

I quickly walked to the adult store and picked out a very risqué outfit along with a few toys. I quickly paid and started towards the food court. I was in a hurry, glancing down for just a moment to make sure my purchases weren't visible, when it suddenly felt as though my arm was being ripped out of its socket, my bag went flying, and I was dragged, kicking, and failing into a hallway that led to an emergency exit.

Ira, someone's got me and I don't know what to—Pain cut me off, then darkness enveloped me, my last thought of Ira and least I'd had the chance to tell him that I love him.

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