Chapter Nineteen

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I woke up feeling like I hadn't slept in days. My head ached slightly and my mouth felt fuzzy. The delightful side-effects of blood donation, of course.
I groaned as I shifted, planning to stretch when I bumped into something solid next to me.
Already knowing what it was, it still surprised me to find Carmichael lying next to me, his eyes closed. I was going to be annoyed until I remembered that he wasn't in the room when I'd told the guys to leave me alone if I didn't return.

Keeping a weather eye on Carmichael, I eased my way off the bed. I thought I was home free for a full second before his eyes snapped open. "Sorry to wake you," I whispered.

"No need to apologize." He regarded me for a long moment, then smiled. "I don't believe we were properly introduced. My name is Ira Carmichael. I would like it if you felt comfortable calling me Ira."

"Oh good. I like Ira better, anyway. I'm Riley Hendricks. My friends call me Ri."

"Are the men you travel with not your friends?"

"Uh, not yet. More like casual acquaintances at the moment."

"You are very beautiful, Riley Hendricks."

I blushed. "Thanks. You're not bad either." I wasn't lying. Now that he was clean and fresh and, er, filled out, he was actually rather gorgeous. His shaggy black hair swept over his eyebrows, nearly touching the thick lashes framing his silvery-blue eyes. His nose was slightly hooked, but made him seem almost aristocratic. His lips were...tempting, but I moved my gaze past them to focus on his strong chin, neck, and very nice chest.

It was only then that I realized he was at least half-naked.

Not that I cared. More eye-candy for me. I let myself enjoy the view of his tanned skin stretching over firm and well-defined muscles. It was hard to see how the body I looked at now was at all related to the emaciated thing that had been in that coffin.

"Do I please you?" he asked and my blush deepened.

"Uh, you look good now. How long were you in that coffin?" I asked, hoping to distract us both from the apparent interest we had in each other. I definitely was not the only one liking what I saw. Of course, I couldn't blame him. I was definitely not bad looking, if I did say so myself. Mocha skin, chocolate eyes, dark chocolate and very curly hair that hung halfway down my back, a nice rack and fabulous ass—or so I've been told.

"Several years."

"Seriously? No wonder it took three of us to take care of your thirst."

"Yes, I very much appreciate you tending to my needs. How do you know of vampires and our needs? Why did you wake me?"

"I think we should talk as a group about that. I'm not the only one with a vested interest."

"You intrigue me, Riley. I will be glad to listen."

"Thank you."

He smiled and rose from the bed, his bottom half covered in a pair of dark blue sweat pants much to my relief and utter disappointment. I wanted to see where that line of dark hair led to. Of course, I knew, but I wanted to see where his line of hair went to. I chastised myself about keeping my head out of the gutter and turned towards the door.

"Before we meet with your acquaintances, I think you should know something," Ira said softly.

"Oh?" I turned to him.

"You are my destined companion and I have put a chemical into your blood that will make us more compatible until I invite you into my world. Separating from me for any significant length of time will cause you some discomfort."

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