Chapter Twelve

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The apartment was empty when I woke up and I remembered that Derek was going to be meeting with his siblings.

I really hoped it went well and wished I could be there to know what they were doing and saying. I couldn't help the small hint of suspicion that I felt. Like there was a possibility that they were plotting something and that was the real reason I wasn't welcome.

No, I didn't want think that. I understood that they were siblings and they needed to work through Gabby's trauma without me there. It made sense and I could live with it. Easily. I guess I just wanted to be a part of their family because of what was happening between me and Derek; but I knew that it would take time for Gabby to accept me. Not because she didn't like me as a person, but because she couldn't stand what I was and what I'd done to Derek.

That must have seriously freaked them all out. It had certainly thrown me for a fucking loop. I was still feeling a little off-kilter. It went against my code to have forced a bond with Derek—even if it did turn out to be a necessary thing that I'd done purely on instinct. His soul had called to mine and I'd answered without thinking.

Speaking of soul calling...I felt the anger through our bond. Something was seriously pissing him off. I reached for him, following the pathway to his mind and found more rage than I'd expected.
Blinding rage.

What the hell? Derek? Are you okay? Do you need me? Where are you? I demanded, feeling immediately desperate to find out what was wrong and help him.

I was already moving without giving him time to answer. It took me a minute to locate all my scattered clothing, but I managed to find them and yank everything on without ripping the pieces of cloth into shreds in my angst.

Stay away! came the unexpected reply and I felt the pain he was in before he could block it from me.

Not a chance! I replied without hesitation, already going for my keys. I found his spare apartment key in the bowl and added it to my keychain before heading out the door and locking it behind me.

I could feel his pain and followed the bond as easily as a scent trail. I got in my car and headed towards the stupid warehouse where they'd had me and Riley not even that long ago.

The moment I parked and opened my door, the scent hit me.

Blood. A lot of blood.


I slammed my car door and ran towards the scent of my lover's blood. I knew at least some of it was his. I knew it. I raced through the weeds and broken pieces of concrete to the door of the warehouse and smashed through it when I found it locked.

"Derek!" I screamed as I walked inside, taking in the empty floor where there had been a table and chairs not too long ago.

A small puddle of blood with a spot in the center of it was near the middle of the room. My hands clenched into fists so tightly that I knew my palms were bleeding as I once more reached for our bond to find him when the scent of his blood was permeating the room too much, covering any other scents and preventing me from finding a fresh trail.

"Flora," came a harsh whisper and I frowned as I looked towards the barely-there whisper.

Around a corner, tucked behind a small mound of broken-down boxes was Garret. Bloody and barely conscious. "Garret!" I cried and ran to his side. "What the fuck?"

"Vampires," he gasped out, his hand sliding in the blood still trickling from the wound on his neck.

He was dangerously close to bleeding out. I quickly closed the wound and lifted him over my shoulder, not giving two fucks about the state of my clothes. "I have to get you to a hospital," I explained as I carted him outside to my car.

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