Day 5 Flashback

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"This must be the place" Kevin says as his car pulls into a parking lot near a big warehouse with a sign that said "Wo's Fireworks and Pyrotechnics". As Kevin sits in his car he looks at the entrance to the warehouse where a man was sitting there with his head down reading a book, Kevin was to far away to tell what book it was. "This is going to be interesting." Kevin said to himself hoping he wouldn't run into Chin Wo. Kevin opens his car door, gets out of his car, stretches his back and then closes the car door and begins to walk towards the entrance of the big warehouse. As Kevin approached the entrance and the man he began to get his detectives badge out of his back pocket. Now closer to the man Kevin opens his badge and holds it to show his badge and his I.D. "Haven City Police Department, we got a call about a robbery." Kevin said in a way that he was almost asking a question. But the man reading the book didn't answer, he only held up a finger to say "hold on". As the man silently turns the page he asks "So when did they start sending homicide detectives to work robberies?" Kevin was alittle surprised and confused "I didn't say I was a homicide detective." Kevin pointed out. "You didnt need to." The man said as he lifted his head up. "Chin Wo..." Kevin said shocked and alittle angry. "Don't act all surprised, detective. It is my name on that sign, after all." Wo said pointing up to the sign "I'm going home." Kevin said as he began to walk away. "People are going to die, detective." Wo said. Which got kevin to stop from walking away. "Why?" Kevin asked as he turned out. Chin Wo then gets up and walks over to where Kevin was standing. "Recently some fireworks were stolen from the back of my warehouse, here." Wo said as he approached Kevin. "Cool." Kevin said as he turned around and started to walk away again but before he knew it Chin Wo was in front of him. "They were experimental. Very dangerous. Very, Very dangerous." Wo said. "You should of locked them up better." Kevin said as he stepped around Wo but once again Wo was right in front of him. "Look, detective, Im sorry for what happened between us, but this is important. I don't want the blood of innocent people on my hands." Wo said clearly worried about his missing fireworks. "My wife was innocent." Kevin said with an angry expression and tone of voice. "Fair enough. But if these fireworks aren't found, people are ganna get hurt. They don't act like normal fireworks, they have a special way of working and who ever stole them doesn't know that." Wo said, desperately trying to convince Kevin to help him. Kevin, now standing at his car with Wo in front of him stops and thinks for a second. "I'll see what I can do." Kevin says after thinking for some time. Wo then opens the car door for Kevin. "Thank you detective." Wo said. Kevin then gets into his car and says "don't mention it." Then closes the car door. As Kevin drives away he says to himself "to bad we'll never find those fireworks."

"So did you ever find them?" Jhon asks. "Nope. Never looked." Kevin replied. "But he said people would die." Jhon said. "He probably faked the whole thing just to keep us occupied." Kevin replied. "You have to be the greatest cop I've ever met." Jhon said sarcastically. As Jhon said that Chief Lee was walking by and over hear the conversation. "No, im the best. Got the job to prove it." Chief Lee said while walking to his office. "Listen, boy scout, im a GREAT detective. I do my job and I don't ask questions. Nothing more, nothing less. And you know what isn't my job? Chasing down stole items that belonged to a murderer." Kevin snapped. "You could of at least tried." Jhon said. Kevin then got up and walked over to the time clock. Quite a bit of time had passed as Kevin told his story. It was now time for Kevin to clock out and go home. So he did so. But before he left the police station he walked pasted Jhon "you'd understand if everything you loved was taken from you." Kevin whispered to his partner and then left. Jhon sat there for a moment then said to himself "that man is definitely one of a kind."

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