Chapter 4

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(Megan's P.O.V.)

All five of them started walking towards me with these silly smug (and may I add FAKE!) grins plastered on their face. I sat there awkwardly as they took a seat on the end and sides of my bed leaving me in the middle with my back against the back board.

"Are you Megan?" Harry asked.

"....yes...." I said very quietly fidgeting with my hands that had once held my delicious wafers.

"Well hi Megan we would like to ask you a few questions if that's quite alright with you." .......WOW........ I thought he was supposed to be the cheeky one! I raised my eyebrow questioning his politeness. I rested my chin in the palm of my hand. When someone comes between me and my food I don't give a flying Christmas duck on my manners right now.

"Can you hurry so I can eat. I'm not a very happy girl when someone is preventing me from eating ya know."

"I LIKE THIS CHICK!" Niall exclaimed. I rolled my eyes at him and picked up the duffle bag I had previously thrown to the floor and put it in my lap. I unzipped the zipper pulling out the box of heavenly delights and started snacking on them.

"Um.....ok..... Well the first question we would like to ask you is how long have you been here for?" Harry said politely.

"First off" I started "you can cut the act your not fooling anyone here, and 6 years. Got put here by my parents when I was 8."

"Ok" he said writing down what I had said in a little booklet. Why the fudge nuggets is he writing this down! He's going to choose one of the other kids anyway. I snapped out of my thoughts seeing Niall reaching towards my box of almighty tastiness.

"AW HECK TO THE NAW!!!" I snapped at him "THE LEPRECHAUN AIN'T GETTIN THIS POT OF GOLD AT THE END OF THE RAINBOW!!! IT'S MINE BOY BACK OFF!!!" He jumped in surprise at my loud warning in shock then immediately put on a puppy face.

"Pleassssseeeee" he begged. I scoffed

"It's gunna take more than that to have me share my food! Puh-lease" I snapped back into reality realizing how rude and disrespectful I was being.

".....I'm sorry for being so rude to you..... I just get like this when it comes to food...." They all laughed it off saying it was alright and continued with the questions.

"Favorite color?"

"Purple, or blue, or red"

"Ok birthday"

"August 5th"

"Cell phone number?" He smiled cheekily

"........pedophile........" He gasped and hugged Louis fake crying

"BooBear did you hear what she just called me!!!" Louis smiled and I started cracking up

"No Harry I thought you loved me, but now your hitting on a kid! It's over" he said playfully pushing him aside causing him to fall to the ground. Now everybody was clutching their stomachs except for Niall who managed to grab the duffle and was shaving his face with red vines.

"LEGGO YOU LEPRECHAUN THOES ARE MINE!!!" I said pulling the last of them out of his hands 'crying'.

"NO MINE!!!" He said grabbing them back. I sent him a glare and he started running so I chanced him down the stairs jumping on his back and ending up pinning him to the ground somehow. I could see the shock in his eyes. I mean his man pride should be gone by now because for one his pinned to the floor struggling to get up by a 14 year old and two he hasn't noticed I took the candy back yet. I got off of him skipping back up the stairs chewing on the vines in victory. I came to my door way to see that the boys had left. I shrugged and put my headphones back in continuing my drawing.

(Harry's P.O.V.)

We walked over to Megan with our signature smiles on and sat down. She looked she to talk to us but became sarcastic and sassy in a matter of seconds. I liked her, she wasn't afraid to speak her mind and she treated us like normal people and wasn't fangirling all over us like some of the others did. I asked her some questions and cheekily asked her for her number waiting for reaction. SHE CALLED ME A PEDOPHILE!!! I took this as my chance to put a little play on for her which she enjoyed. I was is Louis's arms 'crying' when he pushed me onto the floor.

"LEGGO YOU LEPRECHAUN THOES ARE MINE!!!" I heard her yell. Niall. I could tell she was serious about her food just like he was and World War II started as she chased him down stairs. We heard a loud thump and started laughing really hard and decided to leave the room to check up on them. We came down to see Niall pinned to the floor by Megan struggling for her to let go. It took all our might not to laugh at him and the sight. She got up successfully taking the red vines from his hand without him knowing and skipped back up to her room.

Niall got up about to go back after her but we stopped him and Liam said he would buy some for him later. We went into the living room where we had previously interviewed the other girls and sat down on the couch making it squeak a little by all of the weight.

"I think we should adopt her!" I said

"Yah I liked her to she was funny and had a great personality!" said Liam

"She took my food.... But I still like her!" Niall said

"Niall it was hers not yours. And I agree she's really funny, nice, and great" said Zayn

"And she knows how to joke around" Louis said. I frowned at him

"That wasn't funny Louis she called me a mean name!" I wiped fake tears from my eyes which made the boys laugh. Simon came in and asked us about the girls and if we had made a choice. We all looked at each other smiling and nodded our heads at Simon. I can tell this is going to be fun. We talked to the lady again signing some papers talking about legal stuff and what not. When that was done the lady headed up stairs to tell Megan the news. I hope she likes her new adopted family!!!

********HOLA PEEPS so this is the fourth chapter and the fifth will be written soon. I'm gunna give you a preview of the next chapter. It has to do with moving in, a game of hide and seek, and confessions....................... CLIFF HANGER MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...... but you still gotta love me! Until next time my peasants!

-Kristen the most amazing llama queen of all directioner fan fictions known to the universe and sucks at running and playing sports but loves food with a passion!!! Don't hate the payer hate the game!********

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