Ch 11: Red Sun

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She settled in the car beside me and the door shut with an ominous metallic click. The guy in the fancy suit sat in the front and began to drive. And with the click of a button, a black screen went up between where we were and the driver.

The whole time I glared at her, she definitely felt it considering she smirked the whole time through.

"You like what you see?" She asks, lifting up a brow. Instead of answering her, I keep quiet.

When she didn't receive an answer she turned to me, her eyes glowing a light shade of red as she stared.

My heart skipped a beat.

I shifted, a tad nervous not knowing her next move. It took everything in me not to give in. So far it only worked when I looked over at her, noticing the smirk appearing on her face.

Although I couldn't quite tell if she was still looking at me, I still could see the red glowing on the side of her shades.

Did she really think that buying me was a better idea?

Luckily her phone rang, her attention pulling away from me as she answered the phone in her leather pocket. I huffed looking out the tinted window, my eyes set on the night sky as we passed by the brightly lit buildings. Eyeing every taxi blaring their horn as they passed by.

Mine as well take it in before I won’t be able to.

I continued to stare out the window, memories of my childhood came flooding back. My best friend and her family, how she practically lost everything. The only real family she had was her older brother Eli, they looked out for each other and knew it was best to live along with the others.

Everyone knew that the vampires controlled the world, but a small part of the world didn't. That's why the human numbers decreased by size every 2 decades.

But if that wasn’t complicated enough, the vampires had a hierarchy system, just like the human system. They had the rich and the poor and the humans had the strong and the weak.

We had the Queen; in control of everything making our lives a misery, below her was her blood sucking brother and the rest of her siblings.

For humans it was hard to tell who was what, to even get close enough to tell, you had to be in big trouble.

With everything going I had hoped that I had outrun them, but instead be captured by the Queen herself.

I continued to fiddle with my fingers as I stared out the window while her dominant voice spoke on the phone. I could feel her eyes on me, but I refused to turn her way, the annoyance still relevant of being kidnapped festering inside.

Too deep in thought, I jumped at the voice catching my attention.

"The drive back is lengthy, darling. We're going to take this time for me to ask you a few questions. However, if I do find that you are lying to me, there will be consequences. Do you understand, pretty girl?"

"Why should I answer any questions when you already know all of the answers?" I ask her and she lets out a dark chuckle facing the front.

"Because you are obligated to. Did I not make that clear?"

I narrowed my gaze at her. So if she thinks that I'm lying… I'm going to get punished? Maybe she'll let me go. "No I don't think you did."

"I see." She giggles. "Well I can assure you I won't let you go anytime soon, so you might as well answer."


I fold my arms.

"Do you know why I purchased you?"

Lust Hailee Steinfeld & Female Reader [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now