Ch 14: Tease

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Sorry for not updating this book for a while. I haven’t had the motivation to continue this story but I would like to thank every single one of you.

All I needed was a little push.

Oh and one more thing! I understand if you would want to skip this part and read the chapter but I have a special surprise for you;)

I had seemingly been stuck in the chair unable to get up from the current encounter with my boss. She had left five minutes ago and had not been back since. So far the only thing that's occupied my mind was the fact that I was now considered working under the boss herself.

It was as if I had sold my rights over to her. It most definitely didn’t feel right. All my life I had been told what to do and how to do it, but I did it anyway. Normally I wouldn’t allow someone to tell me what to do, but only if they were hot or if I was attracted to them. It made me feel special and needed. Huh. Mommy issues.

The day went on painfully slow with a certain brunette on my mind. Jennifer was driving me home and must have noticed I zoned out for a minute. “So we’re going out?” She asks as I take a sip of water. I nodded my head and choked, making her laugh.

“I haven’t seen you in a while and you want to go out where I could practically lose you!” She smirks and her face soon turns into- Great! I roll my eyes.

“Aww I didn’t know you cared for me that much.” She says making me want to choke the shit out of her. Did she really forget that she just disappeared out of nowhere?

“Where have you been anyway?”

“I’ve been away for a while.” She shrugs, her attention going back to the road in front of her. I won’t lie, she's been acting weird lately. “But you never answered my question.” She grins.

“You know in every kidnapped, murder themed type movie, it always starts with the best friend saying let’s go out”,” she playfully punched me in the shoulder making me smile. Before I met Jennifer I was a bookworm.

I never really liked going out and I liked it that way. I love the way you get lost in the world you’re making in your head with the words you’re reading. Its even better when you’re writing because in that way, you’re creating that world you’re making for those characters to come to life. And you're making other people fall in love with those characters that you personally made.

About time 10 rolled around I was very tempted to fall onto my bed and go to sleep. I started mentally punching myself because I had said yes. I still can’t believe I agreed to going out. I walked over to my closet and looked through what I had. I decided to just choose the red dress that hugged my frame the way I liked it. I also decided that it was going to be a little cold so I slid on a leather jacket.

I mean what’s the worst that could happen.

A knock rang through my apartment and I went to the door. Jennifer stood there with a pink dildo in her hand wiggling her eyebrows up and down. “Why do you have a dildo in your hand?” I ask, confused. I did not plan on getting fucked by my bestfriend today. What’s that saying? Oh, right. When life gives you dildos, make lemonade.

Once she realizes what’s in her hand she quickly throws it behind her and pulls out a bottle of wine. “Not that, this.” I burst out laughing at her cheeks flaring up. She rolls her eyes and groans walking through my apartment.

We got into her car and made our way to this club that seemed to be out of town. So far it only took about 30 minutes. But that’s only because she drives fast. As soon as I step out of the car, the smell of alcohol and sex filled my nose. This seemed to arouse Jen as she smiled and closed the door.

We walked into the club and music immediately took over my ears. I looked around at the people to see them all dancing or drinking, or sticking each other’s tongues down one another’s throats. As I looked around I felt a certain pair of eyes on me.

It wasn’t until I looked to the other side of the room to see a beautiful brunette with blue eyes meet my line of sight. She wore a silky white button up that didn’t cover much of her top and red slacks that hugged her bottom a little too well. I won’t lie, she looks familiar.

She smirked once she looked at me looking at her neck. I quickly looked away feeling a familiar feeling rise in my chest.

“So tell me more about that time with your boss?” Jen smirked and I rolled my eyes. It really was nothing. I mean if anything the praising did kind of turn me on. But I wouldn’t tell Jen that anyway. So I just told her about the fact that I was officially working under the woman herself. The only thing I got out of that was the fact that I was more than likely going to enjoy that more than she said I would.

I look over to Jen to see her down another drink, smirking like it was nothing. I didn’t plan on getting drunk because I knew damn well Jennifer would. Believe it or not I am the calm and collective one. “At least she hasn’t asked you to do anything out of the ordinary yet,” Jen says, but I get the feeling that Ms. Steinfeld will. Who knows what that woman has up her sleeve?

“I’m sorry but I’m looking for a beautiful woman in her early twenties.” My heart started racing as I heard a husked voice that made my knees go weak. I turn around to see her smirking. As soon as she noticed I was staring at her boobs, she cleared her throat.

“Well you found her,” I grin. She waves for the bartender to bring in a few shots and they come back with four for each of us. “So what’s a beautiful woman like you doing alone?” She asks as she downs one of the shots. I turn to look behind me and see that I was indeed now alone. I looked off into the crowd to see that Jen had gone off with a man. Before she left the floor she winked walking off.

I huff and turn back around to look at the hot woman in front of me. “Well I wasn’t alone, but I guess she found something interesting,” I take one of the shots. I look up towards the woman’s eyes. The woman stared at me with a blank expression.

“Is she your girlfriend?” She asks, taking me off guard.

“No.” I choke. I don’t even know how I choked or what I choked on. “She’s just a friend. A friend I consider a sister.” At this her expression turns from a concerned one back into that seductive look from earlier.

“Good.” She smirked. I downed another shot, careful not to spill any on my dress. She lifts my chin up with her finger, bringing me in as our lips make contact. My brain went blank and I started to kiss back. Her tongue shoved its way into my mouth which made me moan.

This turned into a long-lasting and lustful kiss. Her hands trailed all over my body and grabbed my ass making me moan into her mouth.  She pulled away and brought my bottom lip with her.

She stopped when she was in front of me and leaned forward to where I could smell the lavender scent roaming off of her. “Shall we take this somewhere else?”

Lust Hailee Steinfeld & Female Reader [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now