Ch 22: Mixed Feelings

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Hailee's Pov

I flipped through documents, eyes flickering to the bed where y/n lied curled up. Memories of yesterday have been filtering through my brain ever since earlier in the night. Some more vivid than the others.

My eyes slowly moved over the marks I made on her legs.

She really is beautiful.

And interesting.

And different.

And very responsive to my touch.

This can not happen. I grit my teeth, looking over to the side of the room. I remember the last time I fell for someone and that didn't end well. Everything was taken away from me and I barely did anything to change it. Now I have to suffer the consequences.

I should have never brought her into this life. She was something very special and Alcina ruined that.

And that I'll never get back.

She hasn't said anything, but I could tell she was wondering; what would be expected of her now? Nothing. Nothing at all. That has been her purpose ever since I first laid my eyes on her.

She is a sex slave, blood slave and nothing more. The faster she knows that, the more she'll expect nothing less.

But what if? Would things change? Should she just pretend it never happened?

I leaned back in my chair, worn out.

I didn't have an answer for any of those; what did I expect of her now or if things would change. I don't know if I want them to. I don't want her stressing over it too much but a part of me wants her to remember exactly how it felt being touched by me. How I made her call out my name in pleasure over and over again.

I liked the power I had over her. I liked that I could dress her up and spoil her rotten in whatever way I choose and she couldn't do anything about it. But I wanted her. I craved her. She was something that I couldn't possibly let go.

I smiled remembering that I did that. That only I was able to inflict that upon her.

After all, I am the queen.

It was well into the afternoon and she was still asleep. I've thought about waking her up countless times but I just couldn't  bring myself to do such a thing. She is a beauty when she's sleeping.

The food was becoming quite cold so maybe I should get her up.

I walked over to the side of the bed, peppering light kisses all over her skin. Oh the sight of each and every one of the sex marks on her body.

Her breathing changes and I can tell that I've woken her up. "I know you're awake." I smile at the sight of her knitted brows. Her eyes flutter open and I smile in awe as her eyes meet in contact with mine.

"Not yet." She groans. I let out a soft sigh. She can be very stubborn.

"I do love watching you sleep."

All of that changes when she quickly gets up from the bed and heads into the bathroom when her legs give out. I burst out laughing at the sight of her.

I did do a wonderful job.

"Someone's in a rush." I stand up from the bed and walk over to her.

"You think this is funny?" She glares at me. I know she's not actually mad at me, I just find it cute when she at least tries. It's intriguing to say the least. Although her vulnerable sight does do wonders.

"I think a lot of things are funny." I look down at her while she sat on her knees helpless. I have to say something about it turns me on.

"I don't need your help."she slowly makes her way towards the bathroom. My eyes follow her short bare body to the mirror. A gasp leaving her lips as she scans all that I've done to her.

She then turns her body so that her back is facing the mirror to see the mark I bit into her as I was high on pleasure. "You bit me!?"

I will admit I do kind of feel guilty for letting myself get carried away, but it was bound to happen. "Baby, you and I both know that was going to happen at some point in time."

"It wouldn't be the first time." I smirked. I did however have my first taste of her in the office.

"Not only did you drink my blood but you also mind controlled me to forget what you were doing to me?"

"I'm not food."

Explaining to her the inner workings of why a vampire can't feed from anyone else but their own pet was because they craved not only their blood but something more.

I was once told long ago that when I drink from the flesh my truest personality comes out, that the dark, evil queen I truly was would become extinguished.

Biting her neck would entitle that I cared deeply for her and consider her as my partner. To us it is something you only do to the person you are most possessive over, the one who holds your heart.

Unfortunately I would never confess that. She didn't need to know that I held deep feelings for her.

Not all vampires find their love, which is why so many turn into slaves. But I found mine and she was taken from me.

I turned away from the window and held my hand out for her to take. She hesitated for a moment as the gears in her head turned.

She didn't need to be afraid anymore.

I pulled her in by the waist pouring everything that I had into the kiss. The way she reacts to my touch makes everything feel right. I know she has no idea why but I do know.

"Get dressed. The food is getting cold." I step away, leaving her to get dressed. If my heart still held the ability to beat it would be racing. The smile plastered my face as if I was a child running high on sugar.

I look up, hearing a pair of footsteps coming my way, my head maid walking with her head held high. I squint my eyes in return as her blue eyes make contact me.

I watched as she hesitated for a bit before speaking up. "My queen, you have an incoming call."

A/N: Hailee, you're giving me whiplash with all of these emotions.

Lust Hailee Steinfeld & Female Reader [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now