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This was definitely not a good idea. Elluria thought as Marine stood behind her, brushing her hair to the side and taking the laces of her dress in her hands. She could feel her breath on the back of her neck, and every time Marine touched her, her skin seemed to burn.

There was a silence in the room that Elluria really wanted to break, but she was too shocked by what her own body was doing to be able to speak. Why did she felt this way?  Her maids undressed her every day and she had never felt anything like that.

She tried to close her eyes, like Marine has told her, but it was only worse, because it increased her imagination and she started to  see things that she really did not wanted to think about right now.

When Marine finally finished, she left Elluria in room by herself. She was relieved that she didn't needed to talk to her. She didn't even know what to think. She looked down at the clothes on Marine's bed, that were prepared for her. Sweater, and light brown — trousers?

Oh no. She has never ever wore trousers in he entire life. Was that even something girls can wore? This day was going really "great" by now. She was unsure if she really didn't wanted to go home instead of risking any more trouble.

When she got dressed, she stood in front of the mirror beside Marine's closet. The trousers didn't fitted on her waist perfectly, so she took one lace from corset and use it as a belt. Multicolored swether looked fine on her — little bit bigger, but perfectly covered her improvised belt.

It was definitely not something she would wear as a princess. But that was the point. She looked so different, in a good way. Just a normal girl. When she was putting her hair into a two ponytails, she smiled at herself.

She took a deep breath, opened the door and go back to living room where Marine was waiting. „Okey, mission completed. I think I'm pretty basic now.”

Marine stood up, petted Lucifer and cringed. „You are anything but basic. But that outfit is doing its job.”

Elluria opened mouth to say something, but Marine quickly stopped her. „We gotta go.”

Princess and the frog Where stories live. Discover now