Niko's warning

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"Why couldn't I grow up with them?" Sharmarke asked but Nonnie noticed Niko was no longer behind her, She pulled her knife out, "I'll be back," Nonnie said and walked out of the dungeon. Niko was waiting at the wall where he had entered the kingdom, Nonnie snuck up behind him and put her knife to his throat, "If you so much as breathe too hard I'll kill you where you stand," Nonnie said, "Ok, Ok," Niko said. He pushed Nonnie away from him and ran but he didn't get far, Nonnie used her magic to take away Niko's ability to walk. She stood up and walked over to Niko, "I don't know what you and the little blonde girl usually do but I'm much more powerful than her, Now get up," Nonnie said angrily, and took her spell off of Niko. He stood up and dusted himself off, "Try something again and I'll tell your little girlfriend where you are," Nonnie said with a smile, "How?" Niko asked, "Magic" Nonnie replied, "Now move," She said and used her magic to make Niko walk to the dungeon.

Niko walked into the dungeon first and Nonnie followed then she took her spell off him, "Tell him everything he needs to know, The more details you leave out the more injuries you'll get," Nonnie told Niko, "He's a snake we can't trust him," Kenny said, "Oh but we can trust you?" Sharmarke asked sarcastically, Darkest laughed, "How'd you go from telling him he has two brothers he never knew about and his mother was hunted, to getting some random guy to give him information?" Darkest asked, Nonnie looked at Darkest, "Shut up Darkest," Nonnie said, Niko looked at Sharmarke, "Charlotte is planning to annihilate sharknation, She thinks your father gave her father the order to kill the king," Niko said, Darkest opened his eyes and stood up, "Did you say Charlotte?" Darkest asked, "Yeah" Niko replied, "I should've ended this years ago," Darkest said.

"I'm sorry who are you?" Niko asked, "Nevermind who he is tell us more about Charlotte's plan," Faysal demanded, "Charlotte is going to use the ring to wipe out sharknation just as her father did to her kingdom," Niko said, "Why are you here?" Sharmarke asked, "I'm worried," Niko replied, "About What?" Sharmarke asked, "You weren't worried the whole time you've been helping her, and now your worried?" Faysal asked, "She killed Aj," Niko said, "What?" Sharmarme yelled, "You have no reason to believe me but I'm not lying about this, She slit his throat right in front of me," Niko said, Sharmarke began to cry. Although he had reached a point where he couldn't stand Aj he couldn't deny the love her had for him. "I thought Aj was on your side, Why'd she kill him but keep me alive?" Kenny asked.

"You helped more than Aj but you know less than Aj, He almost knew Charlotte's entire plan and she couldn't risk him telling anyone," Niko replied, "I can smell your fear, What aren't you telling us?" Darkest asked, "Us?" Kenny asked, "She's my daughter this is my problem too," Darkest said, "Your daughter? Charlotte said she killed her father," Niko said, "She killed me mentally maybe," Darkest said, "Still doesn't answer why your scared," Faysal said, "She tried to kill me," Niko replied, "Why?" Kenny asked, "Aj told her that I was planning on letting him be with me when we took over kingdoms and she didn't like that, Then she put a knife to my throat...." Niko began to tear up, "She could've killed me," Sharmarke grabbed Niko by his shirt "YOU DESERVE IT YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!!" Sharmarke yelled angrily.

"I'm sorry about Aj but-" Sharmarke interrupted Niko, "YOU'RE NOT SORRY!!!! YOU SHOULD BE THE ONE DEAD NOT AJ!!!!" Sharmarke yelled, Kenny, pulled Sharmarke away from Niko, and Sharmarke pushed Kenny away from him, "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!! YOU'RE THE REASON ALL THIS SHIT HAPPENED!!!" Sharmarke yelled angrily, "Sharmarke-" before Kenny could finish Sharmarke interrupted him "SHUT UP!!! SHUT THE HELL UP!!!! ALL I WANTED WAS LOVE AND YOU USED ME FOR A DAMN RING!!!! AJ IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!!!" Sharmarke yelled. He fell to his knees and buried his face in his hands and continued to cry, Faysal hugged Sharmarke, "Now that all the dramatic shit is over you need to take these chains off me and let me go so I can kill Charlotte," Darkest told Nonnie.

"Are you sure you're up for that?" Nonnie asked, "Of course, What kind of question is that?" Darkest said, "You couldn't finish the job the first time," Nonnie replied, "Don't call my daughter a job," Darkest said angrily, "Your daughter is trying to take over kingdoms by killing everyone in it and you-" Before Nonnie could finish her sentence Darkest interrupted her, "IT'S NOT HER!!!!" Darkest shouted, "It's not her," Darkest whispered to himself.

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