Phase 1

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"Where are we going?" Kenny asked, "You'll know when we get there" Aj replied, "I thought I was supposed to bring you the ring and be on my way." Kenny said, "Change of plans," Aj said, "What the fuck." Kenny said, "You think I want to do any of this? The plan was to get the ring and Niko would give it to whoever the hell his master is and now I'm stuck taking trips with you." Aj said angrily, "What does any of that have to do with me?" Kenny asked, "Don't try and back out now two days ago you wanted this just as much as me, and like it or not your in it." Aj said. Kenny remained silent for the rest of the ride.

The carriage came to a stop and Aj got out, "He's in there," Aj said and stepped aside. A guard rushed into the carriage and grabbed Kenny, "LET ME GO!!" Kenny screamed but it was no use the guard threw Kenny out of the carriage and another guard picked Kenny up. "What the hell," Kenny said, "Shut up." One of the guards said and walked Kenny into an old building. "What is this place?" Kenny asked, "That's no way to treat our guest of honor, Let him go." Rin said with a smile, The guards let go of Kenny, "What are you doing here?" Kenny asked, "Having dinner." Rin replied, "I thought you were king of the wealthiest Kingdom why are you having dinner here?" Kenny asked, "And where's the food?" Aj asked, "I don't allow peasants in my castle unless they work for me, I can't have your poverty rubbing off on my expensive items." Rin replied.

"Have a seat, Kenny," Rin said, "I think I'll stand," Kenny said, "My other guest should be arriving shortly, and she hates when someone stands at the table she thinks it's rude," Rin said. "I don't care what your other guest thinks," Kenny said angrily, "How rude, and here I was beginning to think we were friends," Charlotte said, Kenny turned to face Charlotte, "I gave you the ring, Why am I here?" Kenny asked worryingly, "You're the only person here who has direct access to the king and his castle, and I need something else." Charlotte said, "No you asked for the ring and I gave you the ring." Kenny said angrily, Charlotte picked up and knife and held it up to Kenny's throat, "If I kill you no one would notice." Charlotte said with a smile, "Sharmarke would," Kenny said, "But he won't know where to find you." Charlotte said.

"Careful Charlotte we don't want him to do anything stupid out of fear," Rin said, Charlotte removed the knife from Kenny's throat, "This one's smart, unlike Aj," Charlotte said and sat the knife on the table, "I don't even know you." Aj said, "But I know everything about you and your pathetic little life and horrible reign as queen, You're a fucking screw up and now Kenny is fixing what you broke." Charlotte said, "Wait what? KENNY!! HOW CAN HE HELP!!" Aj yelled, "Careful Aj she has a bad temper," Niko said, "Surprised you kept this one around," Rin said, "I'll make use of him." Charlotte said.

Charlotte pulled the ring out of her pocket and showed Rin, "All this fuss over this little rock?" Rin asked, "This little rock can destroy an entire kingdom," Charlotte said with a smile, "How do you know this?" Rin asked, "I've seen it happen, My father was the last person to use it then he vanished." Charlotte said, "Vanished? Your dads a witch?" Rin asked, "No but he's always had a thing for power and diamonds, fortunately for him, this has both of those." Charlotte Said and put the diamond back in her pocket.

She turned to Kenny "Here's what's going to happen, You are going to flirt your way into Sharmarke's pants meanwhile me and Niko will be in the chamber underground collecting things, Understood?" Charlotte said, "Why couldn't you tell me this at my house?" Kenny asked, "You're being watched by the king's advisor," Charlotte replied, "Faysal?" Kenny asked, "Why is Faysal watching Kenny?" Aj asked, "Cause I saw you leave his house." Faysal said as he walked into the room.

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