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Ricki ran up to Nonnie, "I can feel your worry, What's wrong sister?" Ricki asked, "Darkest is out and most likely on his way to sharknation," Nonnie replied, "What happened?" Ricki asked, "We don't really have time to explain that, Are you willing to help us?" Kenny asked, "Have you tried seeing them?" Ricki asked, "I can only feel Faysal's emotions," Nonnie replied, "You can feel everyone's emotions?" Kenny asked, "As a guardian, we can only use our sight and feeling emotions on other guardians or the person we're assigned to," Ricki replied, "What does he feel?" Niko asked, "He's worried, concerned, scared, and he regrets something," Nonnie replied, "Why would he be worried and concerned?" Kenny asked, "Why is he scared?" Ricki asked, "You haven't met Charlotte," Niko replied.

Kenny laughed, "Faysal is much more powerful than Charlotte, There's no reason for him to be scared," Ricki said, "There isn't much he can do while Charlotte has the blood diamond," Nonnie said, "Blood Diamond?" Niko asked, "That's what it's called," Nonnie said, "If we somehow harm Darkest that should hold us off until-" Ricki tried to speak but Nonnie interrupted, "There is a way to kill a healer," Nonnie said, "We are not going to that woman," Ricki demanded, "We have to," Nonnie said, "She's crazy, She doesn't know what she's talking about," Ricki said, "Who?" Kenny asked, "She calls herself "The Oracle" She claims she can see the past, present, and future," Ricki replied, "The oracle, Why does that sound familiar?" Niko whispered to himself, "We don't have all day let's go," Nonnie said.

"Our magic can't take us directly to her, but it can get us very close," Ricki Said, "Isn't there another way to get to her?" Kenny asked, "She lives in the stone forest," Nonnie replied, "Wait what?" Kenny said, "I'm not going in the stone forest, your off your head," Niko said, "Fine you two stay here me and Ricki will go so the oracle," Nonnie said, "The Oracle?" Chunkz asked, "Shit," Ricki whispered, "Why do you want to see the oracle?" Chunkz asked, "Sorry sir but your father asked me not to mention it," Nonnie replied, "You're in my castle everything you say and do is my business, and there's no reason to be so formal after all we are friends aren't we?" Chunkz said, "I suppose we are," Nonnie replied, "So what's all this about the Oracle?" Chunkz asked, "A man got out of prison, and The oracle is our only possible chance at stopping him, Charlotte, and Faysal," Ricki said.

Chunkz looked as if he was trying to remember something, "Isn't Faysal that guy Sharmarke was with?" Chunkz asked, " His advisor," Nonnie Replied, "Look we've already wasted enough time so, Are you coming with us or not?" Niko said, "Nothing ever happens in this kingdom," Chunkz said, "And we plan on keeping it that way," Ricki said, "I'm coming," Chunkz said, "No your not I can't risk that," Ricki said, "I'm the king I can do as I please," Chunkz said, "Listen you little arrogant prick, The only reason your king is because your father is sick and your his eldest child but I am here to protect you and I cannot risk anything happening to you therefor your not coming," Ricki tried to explain but Chunkz chose not to listen.

Following Nonnie and Ricki into the woods Chunkz was starting to regret his decision, "Are you scared?" Kenny asked, "No, I've been through worse," Chunkz replied, "Like what?" Kenny asked, "Like you know...King stuff," Chunkz replied, Kenny could hear the fear in chunks voice. They came across a line of four white trees, Nonnie and Ricki looked at each other, "Ready?" Nonnie asked, Ricki took a deep breath, "Ready," Ricki replied, Nonnie and Ricki joined hands and began to hum. "What the hell is going on?" Chunkz said, "I don't know but I think we should stay quiet," Kenny said, "I've seen them open doorways to other kingdoms by touching a wall, I'm starting to get used to the weird stuff," Niko said. The trees began to form an arch and reveal a dark foggy forest, "What the hell is happening?" Chunkz asked, "Shh," Niko said, Nonnie and Ricki let go of each other's hands, Ricki took a deep breath, "I will dread every moment of this," Ricki said as she walked into the dark foggy forest.

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